Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Vida campestre bucólica / Bucolic Country Life', Taller Fundación Solidaridad. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)
'Vida campestre bucólica / Bucolic Country Life', Taller Fundación Solidaridad. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Title of Textile:Vida campestre bucólica / Bucolic Country Life
Maker: Taller Fundación Solidaridad
Country of Origin: Chile
Year Produced: 2008
Size (cm): 46cm (w) x 37cm (l)
Materials: Scraps of material hand sewn onto burlap
Type of Textile: Arpillera

This arpillera journeys back to the classical pre-political tradition brought to prominence by Las Bordadoras de Isla Negra (the Embroiders of Isla Negra) who exhibited in the National Museum of Art in Chile in 1970.

As with other post political arpilleras using the pre-political style, simple, heart-warming images of country life are portrayed. We see people sowing and tilling crops, tending animals and baking bread in a huge outdoor oven. All are brightly dressed, the houses are well maintained and the sun shines brightly on this lush, verdant, peaceful countryside.

A letter in a pocket on the reverse side of the arpillera adds to this bucolic depiction of rural life: “See how beautiful our Chilean countryside is.” It also alludes to a move towards commercialism in these post political pieces.

Owner: Conflict Textiles collection. Provenance Sally Rose, USA
Location: Conflict Textiles store
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Martin Melaugh

Textile Detail Image(s)