Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Event Details

Conflict Textiles curator Roberta Bacic engaging with attendees during her keynote address at the PILAS Conference 2023. (Photo: Daniela Suarez Vargas)

Conflict Textiles curator Roberta Bacic engaging with attendees during her keynote address at the PILAS Conference 2023. (Photo: Daniela Suarez Vargas)


Conference:PILAS Conference 2023: Coloniality, Autonomy, and Emancipation in Latin America
Description: Conflict Textiles curator Roberta Bacic will present the keynote address at PILAS Conference 2023: Coloniality, Autonomy and Emancipation in Latin America, hosted by Postgraduates in Latin American Studies (PILAS). This is an annual academic event aimed at PhD students whose research work, in any field of the social sciences, arts and humanities, focuses on Latin America.

The 2023 conference encourages a wide-ranging debate on the socio-cultural, historical, political, literary, and artistic aspects of coloniality, emancipation and autonomy in Latin America. Conference participants will discuss the politics, strategies, practices, and discourses that challenge the existing hegemonic structures of capitalist modernity, patriarchy, and colonialism in the region. PILAS encourages the use of multidisciplinary approaches that shed light on how to write, talk and study with (and not only about) the social actors who are shaping alternative futures in Latin America.

In her keynote address titled "Arpilleras: Textile testimony, resistance and archival evidence", Roberta will discuss how the work of arpilleras in Latin America serves as a unique form of resistance to patriarchal and colonial structures in contexts of transition from conflict and authoritarianism.

PILAS is an affiliate of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS). It is run by and for postgraduate students, providing a space for them to meet, seek advice, develop new skills, and share their research by holding an annual conference, periodic workshops, and writing sessions.

PILAS CONFERENCE 2023: Registration (online or in person) and conference programme. This conference is open to the general public.
Commissioned by: Postgraduates in Latin American Studies – PILAS
Date(s): 29th March 2023 - 29th March 2023
Venue: Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland
University Rd, Belfast, Northern Ireland. BT7 1NN
Curator: Roberta Bacic assisted by Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Daniela Suarez V, School of Law, QUB; Nathan Huanacune CLAS, University of Cambridge
Outcome: Through arpilleras and other archival material from Conflict Textiles collection, students gained an in-depth insight into the layers of meaning within arpilleras and their significance as testimonies of survival, denouncement and resistance. The focus on the arpillera Recuerdos de Guadalupe / Guadalupe's Longings by Peruvian activist, Guadalupe, herself a disappeared person, and the building of her story over the years through Conflict Textiles archive was particularly illuminating for the students. Feedback from the conference and Roberta's keynote address was very positive.

Documents: • Conference programme, 29 Mar 2023 - view
• Photo gallery, PILAS conference Mar. 2023 - view