Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Event Details

The four piece exhibition specially curated for the TMIN MemoLab programme in Northern Ireland, on display in The Troubles and Beyond

The four piece exhibition specially curated for the TMIN MemoLab programme in Northern Ireland, on display in The Troubles and Beyond" exhibition space, Ulster Museum. (Photo: Karen Logan)


MemoLab programme:Transformative Memory International Network 2022 MemoLab: Northern Ireland
Description: The MemoLab programme (Dublin, Belfast and Derry / Londonderry) is a core element within the Transformative Memories in Political Violence (TMIP) and State of the Art Project, which commenced on 14 October with the launch of the exhibition State of the Art: Transformative Memories in Political Violence. The Conflict Textiles exhibition State of the Art: Transformative Memories in Political Violence: Interrogating the role of the Arts in Conflict was part of the overall exhibition.

The Northern Ireland MemoLab programme is organised by the John Hume & Thomas P. O'Neill Chair in Peace at INCORE, Ulster University and Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University, and partners Healing Through Remembering (HTR). The MemoLab thematic focus is Memory Frictions and Responsibility and it brings together collaborative artistic works addressing questions of memory frictions and responsibility in societies impacted by political violence and complex transitional processes. The overall programme consists of talks, workshops and performances, aimed at knowledge exchange and research-creation.

Conflict Textiles and Ulster Museum (via their Conflict Textiles collaboration The Troubles and Beyond and Inclusive Global Histories) are facilitating several components within the programme:

1)Guided tour of the exhibition Threads for Corporate Justice 12 noon, Monday 17th October (Roberta Bacic)
2)Visit to The Troubles and Beyond, Tuesday, 18th October, 12 noon (Roberta Bacic & Karen Logan) - see section below ‘Textiles Displayed’ textiles 1-2
3)Conflict Textiles exhibition, as part an international panel discussion "Art as Transformative Memory", 7–9pm, Thursday 20th October, The Great Hall, Magee Campus, Ulster University, Derry/Londonderry (Roberta Bacic) - see section below ‘Textiles Displayed’ textiles 3-7
4)Hands-on workshop “Textile Language of Conflict”, 9am – 12 noon, Friday 21st October. With scraps of cloth, needle and thread, participants will creat a material and tactile response to the exhibitions at The Chocolate Factory in Dublin; Ulster Museum & Ulster University in Belfast; Ulster University Magee Library and the Great Hall in Derry. This workshop will also incorporate a visit to the permanent - rotating exhibition Conflict Textiles collection: Magee Campus Library, Ulster University (Roberta Bacic)
Commissioned by: INCORE; Transitional Justice Institute, UU; Healing Through Remembering
Date(s): 17th October 2022 - 6th November 2022
Venue: Ulster Museum, Belfast; Magee Campus, Ulster University, Derry / Londonderry
Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens, Belfast BT9 5AB, Northern Ireland; Northland Road, Derry /Londonderry, BT48 7JL
Curator: Roberta Bacic, Conflict Textiles; Karen Logan, Senior Curator of History, UM
Facilitator: John Hume and Thomas P. O’Neill Chair of Peace, UU, and HTR
Outcome: The range of Conflict Textiles facilitated initiatives from guided tours to hands - on workshops provoked deep reflection. The combination of arpilleras and posters displayed at Ulster Museum with the dominant red tone conveyed the starkness of political violence and human rights violations on a global scale. The intervention of arpillera dolls on fabric print within the workshop at Ulster University Magee Campus traversed the layers of time, location and experience. Overall, there was a rich depth of exchange of knowledge and perspectives and a committment to continue this work of addressing questions of memory frictions and responsibility in societies impacted by political violence.

Documents: • TMIN programme (all venues), 14-22 Oct - view
• Visits/workshop, N.Ireland, 17-21 Oct - view
• MemoLab overview, Ulster Museum, Oct 22 - view
• Photo gallery, NI MemoLab, Oct 17-21. 2022 - view
• Ugandan textile with dolls added, 21 Oct 22 - view