Monday, 20 January 2025

Event Details

'Una Mirada a mi Tierra Desde el Barco / A Look to my Homeland from the Boat', by Francisca Báez Avila. (Photo: Roser Corbera)

'Una Mirada a mi Tierra Desde el Barco / A Look to my Homeland from the Boat', by Francisca Báez Avila. (Photo: Roser Corbera)


Conference:Lenguaje Textil: materialidad, conservación y archivos. La experiencia de la colección de arpilleras de la Fundación Ateneu Sant Roc y sus vínculos fundacionales con la colección Conflict Textiles
Description: The Comité Nacional de Conservación Textil / The National Committee of Textile Conservation will mark its
XXXV Reunión Annual / XXXV Annual Meeting via a conference focused on textile practices in the fields of both community creation and production. This event is facilitated by board members: Francisca Campos, Daniela Pizarro, Acacia Echazarreta, Trinidad Flaño, Paloma Leiva.

Textile practices encompass a broad range of people, from the makers - individual and collective – to those who bring these collective creations to the public arena. These are the aspects in particular which we will try to highlight and value. The conference will consist of presentations, talks and master talks; these latter two elements will be open to the public. Within the overall event, members of the Committee will present a range of works related to textile conservation.

The Conflict Textiles co-ordinated Charlas Magistrales / Master talk is titled "Lenguaje Textil: materialidad, conservación y archivos. La experiencia de la colección de arpilleras de la Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc y sus vínculos fundacionales con la colección Conflict Textiles". Is is comprised of online inputs from:
● Pilar López / Educadora en la Fundación Ateneu Sant Roc y Coordinadora de Proyectos. Arpillerista del grupo de Sant Roc.
● Roser Corbera / Educadora en la Fundación Ateneu Sant Roc y responsable de Comunicación. Arpillerista del grupo de Sant Roc.
● Ana Zlatkes / Artista textil argentina
● Aurora Ortiz / Arpillerista chilena de La Victoria (presencial / onsite)

Date & time: jueves 27 a las 12:00 - 13.30 de Chile /Thursday 27, 12.00 - 13.30 Chilean time.

A visit to the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos on Saturday 29th (post conference) will give an opportunity to appreciate and engage with the arpilleras kept by this museum.

This is a hybrid event and all face-to-face elements will also be broadcast via an online platform.
Commissioned by: Comité Nacional de Conservación Textil
Date(s): 26th October 2022 - 29th October 2022
Venue: Santiago, Chile (and online)
Centro de Extensión del Campus Oriente, de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Comité Nacional de Conservación Textil Board members
Outcome: This Master talk comprised of inputs from Conflict Textile partners in Chile, Argentina and Catalonia gave an insight into the spread of arpilleras across continents. In particular, it demonstrated their power in articulating the lived experiences of local communities and in exposing human rights abuses, war and conflict.

Documents: • Convocatoria abierta para ponencias, junio 22 - view
• Full programme / Programa general October 22 - view