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Installation of collective work April 7th. CC by NC-SA CONARTE

Installation of collective work April 7th. CC by NC-SA CONARTE


Textile installation:Abrazo Entramado (Woven Hug)
Description: This textile installation Abrazo Entramado (Woven Hug) seeks to hug the city of Monterray with two arms made of recycled fabrics which will be embroidered together with the local community. This piece reflects upon the uncertainties faced during Covid-19. The process is facilitated by artists Tere Chad and Cordelia Rizzo and several collaborating individuals and organisations: LABNL Lab Cultural Ciudadano de CONARTE Consejo para la Cultura y las Artes de Nuevo León (Cultural Lab from Arts Council from Nuevo León State) & UDEM Universidad de Monterrey (University from Monterrey). It is comprised of several stages: Fabrics Recycling Campaign, Prototyping Sessions, Open Conversation, Closing Event, Public Intervention and Exhibition.

The installation is inspired by Chilean arpilleras (sackcloth embroidery) developed during the military dictatorship (1973 – 1990), particularly ¿Dónde están nuestros hijos? / Where are our children?, (1979) from Conflict Textiles collection. This inspiration from arpilleras has been forged through previous collaborations with Conflict Textiles: Latin American Myth Deconstruction (London, 2018) and Neo Norte (Santiago, Chile, 2018). Through this initiative the artists endeavour to reconfigure the traditional bidimensional ‘arpillera’ into a three-dimensional sculptural object.

The community of Monterrey and neighbouring areas is invited to participate in the project from 16 February until 7 April 2022 by donating yarns and recycled fabrics and/or participating in prototyping sessions. Further information is available at the in depth project overview and associated activities (also available in the ‘documents’ section below).

Breve artículo del periodista Nicolás Durante | Publicado el Sábado 26 de marzo de 2022 en Diario Financiero de Chile.
A photo record of the process - flickr link
Resumen del prototipo / Prototype Overview

This short film LABNL Sesiones de prototipado | Abrazo entramado: Escultura textil colaborativa (16:11’) produced by LABNL (CONARTE), documents the process of making "Abrazo Entramado (Woven Hug)" with recycled textiles; this large scale “arpillera” hug which responds to the lack of gathering and connecting during Covid-19.

Woven Hug (Abrazo Entramado) (Phase 2: Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart, Northern Ireland, June - August 2023)
Commissioned by: LABNL, Artes de Nuevo León & UDEM Universidad de Monterrey
Date(s): 16th February 2022 - 7th April 2022
Venue: Cultural Centre LABNL, Lab Cultural Ciudadano, Mexico
Washington S/N , Centro, 64000 Monterrey- Antiguo Palacio Federal, Mexico
Curator: Tere Chad & Cordelia Rizzo
Facilitator: Tere Chad & Cordelia Rizzo
Outcome: The project exceeded the curators’ initial expectation. With over 2000 textile pieces recycled by the community of Monterrey, a group of over 170 participants managed to embroider a 20 metres long Woven Hug. Eleven sessions were facilitated with 10 collaborators to work on the prototype and two embroidery sessions were facilitated for the general public. There was also a panel discussion and a collaboration with the Interior Design Programme from Universidad de Monterrey. The events had great press coverage. The project provided a space where the local community could gather and share their lockdown experiences. More than 100 embroideries were donated. ‘Abrazo Entramado’ (Woven Hug) has also worked as a catalyst to activate a textile community in LABNL, Monterrey. The piece will now be transported and exhibited at Centro Cultural Plaza Fátima at the borough of San Pedro, Nuevo León, Mexico. The exhibition will be accompanied by a series of workshops to generate a textile community in San Pedro.

Documents: • Project overview and associated activities - view
• Donation of materials, Feb/Mar 22 - view
• Prototype sessions, March 22 - view
• Impression of final installation - view
• Articles, reviews & TV links, 30 May 2022 - view
• Photo gallery of process, Feb - Apr 2022 - view
• ‘Zurciendo Vacíos’ (Mending Voids), July 2023 - view