Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

'No going back' Sonia Copeland. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'No going back' Sonia Copeland. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Webinar:Conflict Textiles as Live and Archival Language
Description: Making the Future is a cultural heritage project implemented by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland – (PRONI), Nerve Centre, National Museums NI and Linen Hall Library, supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV programme.

A core aspect of this project is a four-week evening programme Textile Stories, led by PRONI, which will explore the intersection between textiles, archives and photo embroidery.

Within the Textile Stories programme, Conflict Textiles curator Roberta Bacic and Elsie Doolan (PhD student at University College London, researching the use of textiles as archival records) will deliver a joint presentation “Conflict Textiles as Live and Archival Language”. Key areas will include:
• A brief history of the definition of records within archival institutions, with an aim to understand how these definitions impact what is collected by archives and ultimately who is represented within the archival record.
• An introduction to arpilleras as an art form and a tool for voicing resistance, highlighting the ways in which they have been used internationally.
• A discussion of how arpilleras can be read and function as archival records, as well as a wider conversation with attendees about the topics and themes discussed.

For further information email, Community Engagement Officer & Creative Producer at Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, or call her on 028 9053 4829.
Commissioned by: Making the Future - Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
Date(s): 25th August 2020 - 25th August 2020
Venue: PRONI, Northern Ireland
2 Titanic Boulevard, Belfast, BT3 9HQ
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Dr. Laura Aguiar
Outcome: The Conflict Textiles input gave participants an insight into the world of arpilleras and their use as a form of denouncement, resistance and archival recording in relation to human rights abuses. This has shaped the final outcome "Textile Stories online exhibition", which features the participants' creative embroidery, completed as part of the Textile Stories four-week evening programme.

Documents: • Textile Stories', 4 week programme - view
• Conflict Textiles presentation, 25 Aug 2020 - view
• Support notes: textiles, events, links, 25Aug - view

Textiles Displayed:No going back
Peace Quilt - Common Loss