Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Friendship dolls created during schools' workshops in Feb 2020 in response to the ‘Naming The Children’ art exhibition. (Photo: Breege Doherty)

Friendship dolls created during schools' workshops in Feb 2020 in response to the ‘Naming The Children’ art exhibition. (Photo: Breege Doherty)


Workshop:'Naming The Children' Workshops
Description: ‘Naming The Children’ art exhibition features portraits of 20 children, from the million children who have died since 1991, as a result of global wars and conflict. It is on display in Donegal County Museum from Saturday 1st - 29th February in association with the Raphoe Justice & Peace Group, the Connemara Peace Group and Veterans for Peace Ireland.
Schools are invited to take part in a ‘hands on’ workshop remembering these children and exploring the devastating impact of war on children, led by Conflict Textiles Curator, Roberta Bacic.

These workshops build on connections developed with Letterkenny Amnesty Group since 2008 and more recently with ‘Naming the Children’ project through the War-Torn Children exhibition in 2018.

For further information and to book a workshop contact Donegal County Museum T: 074 9124613 (on a first come basis).
Commissioned by: Donegal County Museum
Date(s): 26th February 2020 - 14th March 2020
Venue: Donegal County Museum
High Road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
Curator: Caroline Carr
Facilitator: Roberta Bacic
Outcome: A total of 80 students from four schools (three primary; one post primary) participated in these 1.5 hour workshops. The process gave them an opportunity to connect with the children in the portraits who were killed as a result of global conflict; children similar to them in age, but with very different lived experiences.

Documents: • Schools' workshop notice, Jan 2020 - view
• Exhibition invitation: Naming The Children - view
• Photo gallery: Schools' Workshops, Feb. 2020 - view

Textiles Displayed: