Saturday, 27 July 2024

Event Details

Frauenmuseum im Marstall  / Women's Museum in Marstall, location for the exhibition

Frauenmuseum im Marstall / Women's Museum in Marstall, location for the exhibition "Retrospective, back to the future 1989-2019-2030 / RÜCK BLICK NACH VORNE 1989-2019-2030". (Photo: Gaby Franger)


Exhibition and associated activities:Retrospective, back to the future. 1989-2019-2030 / RÜCK BLICK NACH VORNE. 1989-2019-2030
Description: This exhibition uses the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Women in One World as an opportunity to ask questions:
1) How do globalization processes affect women in the South and in the North?
2) How can we work together for social justice and peace across cultural borders and social conflicts?

The exhibition incorporates a variety of artistic media. Artworks by contemporary artists communicate with traditional clay and wickerwork and with embroidery and weaving textiles from protest and human rights movements. They all converge to give a starting point for reflections on remembrance, protest and resistance against human rights crimes, loss of homeland, globalization, robbery of intangible cultural assets and environmental destruction.

As part of the three-day international conference programme, curator Roberta Bacic will facilitate a Conflict Textiles workshop, 10 years after her initial collaboration with "Women in One World", through the exhibition Schicksalsfäden: Geschichten in Stoff von Gewalt, Hoffen und Überleben / Threads of destiny: Testimonies of violence, hope and survival, (2009). In this three-hour session, participants will focus on the exhibition themes through engaging with archival photos from Women in One World collection, alongside arpilleras and arpillera dolls from Conflict Textiles material and online collection. In this 'hands on' space, they will be invited to make an arpillera doll, which will enable them to more deeply connect with, and reflect on, the core issues emerging from the textiles and photos, within the overall context of the key questions posed by the exhibition team.

Frauen in der Einen Welt eV, Museum Frauenkultur Regional - International / Women in One World eV, Museum of Women's Culture Regional - International
Conference overview (3 minute film clip)
Arpilleras y resistencia, interview (in Spanish) with Roberta Bacic by William Bastidas (14 minute video, 21st June, Fürth).
In conversation with Roberta Bacic, interview in German by Sebastian Drobner und Wiebke Retter.
Commissioned by: Frauen in der Einen Welt / Women in One World
Date(s): 4th May 2019 - 31st October 2019
Venue: Frauenmuseum im Marstall / Women's Museum in Marstall, Germany
Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbac, Schlosshof 23 90768, Fürth/Bay, Germany
Curator: Frauen in der Einen Welt / Women in One World
Facilitator: Gaby Franger
Outcome: 1. The hands-on activity enabled the participants to connect with and reflect on the core issues emerging from the photos and key issues discussed during the three-day conference as well as reflecting in-depth on their personal experience of it.
2. Through the Introduction to the history, content and use of the “Conflict Textiles” database participants got a good understanding of the Conflict Textiles collection, the work involved, as well as the use of the database for future purpose.
3. Through all activities the participants gained an understanding of the origins of Arpilleras, their defining characteristics and the role of women in resisting violence.

Documents: • Exhibition programme: Women's Museum, May 19 - view
• Seminar and Workshop: Women's Museum, 2019 - view
• Conference/Dialogues programme: 21-23 June - view
• Conflict Textiles -Workshop report: July 2019 - view
• Photo gallery Conflict Textiles workshop, G.F - view
• Interview with Roberta Bacic, (German) - view