Thursday, 16 January 2025

Event Details

Participants at the exhibition launch listening to speakers' inputs. (Photo: Women in One World)

Participants at the exhibition launch listening to speakers' inputs. (Photo: Women in One World)


Exhibition and associated activities:Schicksalsfäden. Geschichten in Stoff von Gewalt, Hoffen und Überleben / Threads of destiny: Testimonies of violence, hope and survival
Description: How do women use textile art to keep hope alive and to survive in conditions of political violence? This exhibition of quilts and wall hangings from around the world gives testimony to women's often successful efforts to overcome adversity, both through group and individual creativity with fabric.

The concept of our museum in organising the exhibition is to connect local, regional and international cultures of women as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Women in One World. It continues the long lasting cooperation with women's groups and textile artists all over the world. The first fruit was the touring exhibition 'The Art of Survival', which became part of an international conference in Nuremberg and went to the World Conference on Women in Bejing in 1995.

This aspirational work was strengthened by academic study with regional quilting groups on the topic of 'Textile Art and Resistance', taken in cooperation with the Asian Women Human Rights Council in India. This in turn led to a conference in South Africa, a project with catholic and protestant women's groups in Northern Ireland and relations with countless artists and researchers in all parts of the world. The latest manifestation of such intense and consistent international cooperation is this exhibition of a multitude of new works in fabric not shown before in Germany.This exhibition includes seven Irish quilts, six Chilean arpilleras and one African quilt.
Commissioned by: Women in One World / Frauen In Der Einenwelt, Nürnberg
Date(s): 9th May 2009 - 26th July 2009
Venue: Museum Frauenkultur Regional-International
Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach, Schlosshof 23, 90768 Fürth/Bay
Curator: Roberta Bacic, Gaby Franger, Annita Reim
Facilitator: Frauen In Der Einenwelt
Outcome: The exhibition programme brought together regional and international artists and textile artists. It provided a discussion forum and workshops on various themes related to the exhibition. Overall, it provoked a meeting of diverse minds, theories and cultures, which enriched all participants.

Documents: • Exhibition notice - Deutch, May 2009 - view
• Exhibition notice - English, May 2009 - view
• Exhibition notice - Spanish, May 2009 - view
• Exhibition Web page link - May 2009 - view