Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Members of the Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company engrossed in the guided tour of the exhibition by curator Roberta Bacic on 22nd November, 2019. (Photo: Rory Mc Carron)

Members of the Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company engrossed in the guided tour of the exhibition by curator Roberta Bacic on 22nd November, 2019. (Photo: Rory Mc Carron)


Exhibition and associated activities:Embracing Human Rights
Description: The 2008 “The Art of Survival: International and Irish Quilts” exhibition seeded many new partnerships. Eleven years and 34 textile exhibitions later, the collaboration between the Verbal Arts Centre
and Conflict Textiles can be described as a particularly enduring partnership. The exhibitions hosted over the intervening 11 years (Permanent rotating exhibition of textiles, 2008 - 2014 and
Conflict Textiles collection: Verbal Arts Centre, 2015 - present) depict a variety of themes: local, international, human rights issues and the experience of new communities.

“Embracing Human Rights” is the core collaboration for 2019, a theme which has not waned in significance in the 71 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10th December 1948.

This exhibition, primarily of arpilleras, addresses two key questions:
1. What is the impact of, and response to, human rights violations?
2. How can we embed a culture of human rights?

Throughout the exhibition period there will be a range of associated activities facilitated by curator Roberta Bacic. Schools' workshops will take place on 7th and 21st November at the Verbal Arts Centre. These are part of the program WE ARE POETS that runs during the month of November, offering activities that reach beyond the exhibition and venue. The exhibition will culminate with a closing event on Tuesday 10th December, from 11-1pm, to mark International Human Rights Day 2019.
Commissioned by: Conflict Textiles and Verbal Arts Centre
Date(s): 5th November 2019 - 18th December 2019
Venue: Verbal Arts Centre, Derry / Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Stable Lane and Mall Wall, Bishop Street Within, Derry / Londonderry BT48 6PU
Curator: Roberta Bacic, assisted by Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Verbal Arts Centre staff
Outcome: The exhibition and programme of associated activities fostered collaboration between the core partners and various stakeholders involved. It has reinforced already strong existing relationships between Conflict Textiles and the Verbal Arts Centre and sets the foundation for future collaboration in 2020 and beyond.

Documents: • Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) - view
• UDHR (Illustrated version) - view
• Textile list: VAC, Sept 2019 - view
• Leaflet: We are poets, VAC, Nov 2019 - view
• Bookmark: VAC, Nov 2019 - view
• Photo gallery: Closing event, 10 Dec 2019 - view