Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Event Details

Six members from Memorarte collective from Chile with Roberta Bacic at the end of the two-day event.
(Photo: Colectivo Memorarte)

Six members from Memorarte collective from Chile with Roberta Bacic at the end of the two-day event. (Photo: Colectivo Memorarte)


Seminar, Display and Workshop:Arpilleras, yesterday and today
Description: This two-day seminar incorporates several elements:

1)14th September (6 - 8pm)
At this evening session, academics and practitioners with expertise on arpilleras will discuss their work in connection with Conflict Textiles collection, and their archival relevance. This session will also highlight the arpillera technique and practice and their capacity to highlight contemporary political issues and expose human rights abuses.

2) 15th September, (12noon – 6.30pm)

Key pieces from Conflict Textiles collection (collected and curated by Roberta Bacic) and from the Chilean arpilleristas group Memorarte - Stitches against oblivion will be on display.

The Conflict Textile pieces span the period from the Pinochet dictatorship to present struggles in Chile and beyond. The Memorarte collection includes thirteen contemporary pieces; ten of which focus on memory of violence during the dictatorship, and three bigger size collective pieces.

Memorarte will facilitate two workshops ( 2-4pm and 4-6pm - materials included) where participants will have a ‘hands on’ experience of arpillera making techniques. Spaces are limited. (Contact details for booking are in documents section below - 'Seminar flyer: 14 - 15th September 2017')
Commissioned by: n/a
Date(s): 14th September 2017 - 15th September 2017
Venue: London School of Economics and Political Science. England
The McKenzie Room (S219), St Clements building, second floor, Houghton St, London WC2A 2AE, UK
Curator: Roberta Bacic and Memorarte
Facilitator: Paz Concha, Ignacio Rivera, Daniela Pérez
Outcome: A rich exchange was facilitated between Memorarte and Conflict Textiles in London. The room at the London School of Economics was a great venue which was made available for this purpose by Chilean PhD candidate Paz Concha. Participants who attended were from the organising group as well as Conflict Textiles contacts. Memorarte presented Roberta with a small arpillera that represents her carrying arpilleras. Sharing practice and meeting each other was valuable and future collaborations will be explored.

Documents: • Seminar flyer: 14 - 15th September 2017 - view
• Background information on Seminar, Sept 2017 - view
• Seminar brochure: September 2017 (Spanish) - view
• Seminar brochure: September 2017 (English) - view