Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Exhibition Title: 'Sew to Speak – Human Rights', by Deborah Stockdale. (Photo: Deborah Stockdale)

Exhibition Title: 'Sew to Speak – Human Rights', by Deborah Stockdale. (Photo: Deborah Stockdale)


Exhibition and conference:Sew to Speak – Human Rights
Description: This exhibition is an integral part of the international conference "Sew to Speak: Narrative Textiles in Human Rights and Healing Practices".
This bilingual English/Spanish conference will bring together women from different parts of the world who create textiles on a variety of themes: human rights, healing of trauma, and women’s empowerment. The exhibition itself features arpilleras which focus on the violations of four of the human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Within the overall conference, through the medium of inputs, experiential workshops and a shared display of textiles it is anticipated that new insights and connections will be developed and a worldwide network of women supported to continue their empowering work within their communities.

'Common Threads', a short film produced by Rachel Cohen and directed by Gayla Jamison, will be launched during the conference.

Web links:
Common Threads Project
Commissioned by: Common Threads Project
Date(s): 12th September 2014 - 14th September 2014
Venue: Geneva, Switzerland
Webster University, Route de Collex, 15, 1293 Bellevue, Ginebra, Suiza
Curator: Roberta Bacic; Breege Doherty, assistant curator; Deborah Stockdale, textile artist.
Facilitator: Rachel Cohen

Documents: • Conference flyer - English - view
• Conference flyer - Spanish - view
• Conference Programme - English - view
• Conference Programme - Spanish - view
• list of exhibition textiles - view
• Exhibition leaflet - English - view
• Exhibition leaflet - Spanish - view
• Conference report - Spanish - view