Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Banner showing conference title, by Deborah Stockdale. (Photo: Deborah Stockdale)

Banner showing conference title, by Deborah Stockdale. (Photo: Deborah Stockdale)


Exhibition and associated activities:Textile Accounts of Conflicts
Description: This exhibition, opened by Professor Gillian Robinson, is comprised of local and international textiles and memorabalia which brings us first hand testimony of the destructive and multi-layered impact of conflict and human rights abuse, in various corners of the globe.

An Arpillera Doll workshop takes place on Friday 13th February and a
Closing Lecture and Arpillera Doll workshop is scheduled for Saturday 7th March, at 12.00 pm.
Web links:
Linenhall Library
Video News on Vimeo by Northern Visions NvTv (item starts at 9 minutes 10 seconds in.)
Collapse The Box: Textile Accounts of Violence from around the World. Mo McDevitt, Northern Visions NvTv interviews Roberta Bacic
Commissioned by: Linen Hall Library, Belfast
Date(s): 6th February 2015 - 7th March 2015
Venue: Linen Hall Library, Belfast, Northern Ireland
17 Donegall Square North, Belfast, Northern Ireland. BT1 5GB
Curator: Roberta Bacic, curator; Breege Doherty, assistant curator
Facilitator: Linenhall library
Outcome: This exhibition was first shown in November 2014, as part of the International Conference Accounts of the Conflict: Digitally Archiving Stories for Peacebuilding, hosted by INCORE, Ulster University. Exhibiting it in the Linen Hall Library made it accessible to the general public and both the exhibition and workshops were attended by a broad range of groups and individuals. A secondary outcome was the establishment and development of a partnership with Conflict Textiles which paved the way for the exhibition “War-Torn Children in 2017”.

Documents: • Exhibition invitation-Linenhall - view
• list of exhibition textiles - Linenhall - view
• Exhibition brochure - view
• Exhibition poster - view
• Media release - view
• list of press coverage - Linenhall - view

Textiles Displayed:Pañoleta / Headscarf
Cinta conmemorativa / symbolic ribbon
Table napkin
Peace Quilt - Common Loss
Quilt of Remembrance
No going back
The Side of the Wall
In Times of Trouble
Ballykelly Bombing
Auf der Flucht 1945 / Fleeing in 1945
Retorno de los exiliados / Return of the exiles
NO MAS / No more
They burnt our homes
Memory Cloth
El recuerdo de esta historia / The memory of this story
Mis memorias de la Guerra / My memories of the war
Exilio de los Republicanos cruzando los Pirineos
Ônde estão nossos direitos? / Where are our rights?
When Silence is Broken
¿Dónde están? / Where are they?
Irene, Marta, Hilda, Patricia: Now and Always Present
Libertad a los presos políticos / Freedom for the political prisoners
Día de Visita / Day of Visit
Gegossenes Blei / Cast lead
The Arch of Jerusalem
Rescate de niños judíos / Rescue of Jewish Children
Reflections on violence
Violencia en Ayacucho / Violence in Ayacucho
La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone
En Chile se tortura / Demonstration against torture
Sala de torturas / Torture chamber
La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone