Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Event Details

Catherine Flood, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Bernadette Walsh, Tower Museum, Derry and Roberta Bacic at the launch of 'Arpillera Journeys'. (Photo: Tony Boyle)

Catherine Flood, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Bernadette Walsh, Tower Museum, Derry and Roberta Bacic at the launch of 'Arpillera Journeys'. (Photo: Tony Boyle)


Exhibition and associated activities:Arpillera Journeys: An exhibition of arpilleras and other textiles from the Conflict Textiles collection
Description: This exhibition marks the beginning of the transfer of Conflict Textiles to its new home within Derry City Council’s archive. It will be launched by Catherine Flood, 'Disobedient Objects' curator of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and will be complemented with a number of associated activities.
Guided tours: 12th March, and 19th March 2015, at 11.00 am
Workshops for primary schools: featuring a guided tour, short film and some 'hands on' experience of communicating through textiles:
9–13 March, and 23–27 March 2015.

Web links:
Tower Museum
Article by Stefania Gualberti in innate (June 2015)

Following this exhibition, pieces from the Conflict Textiles collection will be permanently exhibited at the Tower Museum on a rotating basis.
Commissioned by: Derry City Council, Heritage & Museum Service with local partner
Date(s): 6th March 2015 - 12th June 2015
Venue: Tower Museum, Derry / Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Union Hall Place, Derry, Northern Ireland. BT48 6LU
Curator: Roberta Bacic, assisted by Breege Doherty and Tony Boyle
Facilitator: Bernadette Walsh, Archivist; Margaret Edwards, Education Officer; Derry City Council

Documents: • Launch invitation - view
• Catalogue-arpillera journeys - view
• list of exhibition textiles - view
• Conflict Textiles panels - view
• Newpaper article (in Japanese) - view
• Presentation by Catherine Flood - view

Textiles Displayed:Carabineros tumbando olla común / Police tumbling soup kitchen
Represión a vendedores ambulantes / Repression of street vendors
Panfleteando en el 1979 en Santiago / Leafleting in Santiago in 1979
Gaza 2014
Tenemos que vivir bajo llaves / We have to live behind closed doors
Volcán Osorno / Osorno Volcano
Violencia en las calles de Santiago de Chile durante toque de queda / Violence in th
Vida campestre bucólica / Bucolic Country Life
From Far away come their stories
No tenemos acceso a los servicios públicos / We have no access to public services
Corte de agua / Water cut
Arpilleristas y cartoneros / Arpillerista women and cardboard collectors
XX1 Century Goddess
NO a la ley antiterrorista / NO to the antiterrorist law
Libertad a nuestros hermanos Mapuche / Freedom to our Mapuche brothers
Lost children of war
Executed at dawn
Recuerdos de Guadalupe / Guadalupe's Longings
Minhas memórias da ditadura / My memories of the dictatorship
Recuperación de cuerpos en 1990 / Recovering the disappeared in 1990
Vida en Nuestra Población / Life in Our Poor Neighbourhood