NAI Records on CAIN
This section of the CAIN Web site contains a selection of digital versions of Irish records that are held by the National Archives, Ireland (NAI). The records selected by CAIN are ones which relate to the conflict and politics in Northern Ireland, and cover the period 1965 to 1988, and 1992 to 1998. The first selection of records (1965-69) was
launched on 25 October 2012.
Work on the Irish records from the NAI was initially funded by the Reconciliation & Anti-Sectarianism Funds, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Dublin and later by the Reconciliation Fund, at the DFAT.
All of the records have been made available on CAIN with the permission of the Director of the National Archives, Ireland.
The National Archives building, Bishop Street, Dublin 8

Main updates to available public records since 2012:

See also:
PRONI Records on CAIN
Public records from the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)