CAIN Web Service
Leaving Certificate History Topic 5
Guide to Relevant Materials on CAIN
Leaving Certificate History
Topic 5: Politics and society in Northern Ireland, 1949-1993
Case studies
This page was compiled (2010) to assist students studying history for the Irish Leaving Certificate examinations. Below is a guide to the materials on the CAIN site that may be relevant to the three case studies in Topic 5: Politics and society in Northern Ireland, 1949-1993. The three case studies are: the Sunningdale Agreement and the power-sharing Executive, 1973-1974; the controversy surrounding the establishment of the then New University of Ulster at Coleraine; and the Apprentice Boys of Derry.
The material below is intended to compliment any course material Irish Leaving Certificate students may already have. In deciding whether or not to use the material below students should be guided by their teachers.
The Sunningdale Agreement and the Power-Sharing Executive, 1973-1974
Links to material related to the topic of the Sunningdale Agreement can be found at this URL:
Students may also wish to consult the material on the related topic of the Ulster Workers Council strike:
The Controversy Surrounding the Choice of the Site of the then New University of Ulster (NUU)
The text of the following chapter has been added to the CAIN site:
In October 2010 a series of public records from PRONI, related to the new university, were added to the CAIN site:
PRONI items on the Lockwood Report and the choice of site for the new university
Apprentice Boys of Derry
The following items may be of interest: