CAIN Web Service

Ardoyne: The Untold Truth, and
Community, 'Truth-telling' and Conflict Resolution

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ARDOYNE: [Contents] [Introduction] [Testimonies] [Conclusion]  [Report]

Text: Ardoyne Commemoration Project ... Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh

The following extracts and report have been contributed by the authors with the permission of the publishers. The views expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the CAIN Project. The CAIN Project would welcome other material which meets our guidelines for contributions.

front cover - Ardoyne: The Untold Truth front cover - Community, Truth-telling and Conflict Resolution


Ardoyne Commemoration Project. (2002) Ardoyne: The Untold Truth. Belfast: Beyond The Pale.

Lundy, Patricia., and McGovern, Mark. (2005) Community, 'Truth-telling' and Conflict Resolution: A Critical Evaluation of the Role of Community-based 'Truth-telling' Processes for Post-conflict Trasition - A Case Study of the Ardoyne Commemoration Project. Belfast: The Authors.


'Ardoyne: The Untold Truth'
List of Contents

Community, 'Truth-telling' and Conflict Resolution


CAIN contains information and source material on the conflict and politics in Northern Ireland.
CAIN is based within Ulster University.

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