![]() Population - List of Source Material[Key_Events] [KEY_ISSUES] [Conflict_Background] POPULATION: [Menu] [Reading] [Summary] [Background] [Chronology] [Main_Pages] [Sources] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change The following is a first draft of source material related to the issue of population. Population - List of Source Material
Books and Chapters in Books Adair, Lynne., and Murphy, Colin. (eds) (2002) Untold stories: Protestants in the Republic of Ireland. Dublin: Liffey. Beckett, J.C. (1966) The Making of Modern Ireland 1603-1923. London: Faber and Faber 1966. Beckett, J.C. (1976) The Anglo-Irish Tradition. London: Faber and Faber. Bell, P.M.A. (1969) Disestablishment in Ireland and Wales. London: S.P.C.K. Bowen, Kurt. (1983) Protestants in a Catholic State: Ireland's Privileged Minority. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. Brown, Terence. (1996) 'Religious Minorities in the Irish Free State and the Republic of Ireland (1922 - 1995)', in, Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. (1996) Building Trust in Ireland: Studies Commissioned by the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. Belfast: Blackstaff Press (with the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation). Buckland, P. (1972) Irish Unionism I: The Anglo-Irish and the New Ireland 1885-1922. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Cohan, A. (1972) The Irish Political Elite. 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London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Eversley, David. Herr, Valerie. (1985), The Roman Catholic Population of Northern Ireland in 1981: A Revised Estimate. Belfast: Fair Employment Agency. Fitzpatrick, D. (1977) Politics and Irish Life 1913-1921: Provincial Experience of War and Revolution. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. (1996) Building Trust in Ireland: Studies Commissioned by the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. Belfast: Blackstaff Press (with the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation). Fulton, J. (1975) 'Intermarriage and the Irish Clergy: A Sociological Study', in, Hurley, M. (ed) Beyond Tolerance: The Challenge of Mixed Marriages. Dublin: G. Chapman. Gray, A. (1972) The Orange Lodge. London: The Bodley Head. Gregg, J.A.F. (1935) The Ne Temere Decree. Dublin: A.P.C.K. Harris, M. (1972) Prejudice and Tolerance in Ulster: A Study of Neighbours and Strangers in a Border Community. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Johnston, T.J. (1955) The Church of Ireland: Its Continuity in Doctrine and Faith. Dublin: A.P.C.K. Keane, T. (1970) 'Demographic Trends', in, Hurley, M. (1970) Irish Anglicanism 1869-1969. Dublin: Allen Figgis. Kennedy R.E. (1973) The Irish: Emigration, Marriage and Fertility. Berkeley: University of California Press. Luckmann, T. (1967) The Invisible Religion. New York: Macmillan. Lyons, F.S.L. (1967) 'The Minority Problem in the 26 Counties', in, MacManus, F. (ed) The Years of the Great Test 1926-39. Cork: Mercier Press. Lyons, F.S.L. (1971) Ireland Since the Famine. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Lyons, F.S.L. (1979) Culture and Anarchy in Ireland 1890-1939. Oxford: Oxford University Press. MacGreil, M. (1977) Prejudice and Tolerance in Ireland. Dublin: College of Industrial Relations. MacNamara, J. (1966) Bilingualism and Primary Education: A Study of Irish Experience. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. McAdoo, H.R. (1974) Marriage and the Community: The Inter-Church Marriage. Dublin: A.P.C.K. McDowell, R.B. (1975) The Church of Ireland 1869-1969. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Moss, C.B. (1948) 'The Disestablished Home Churches', in, Wand, J.W.C. (ed) (1948) The Anglican Communion: A Survey. London: Oxford University Press. Phillips, W.A., (ed) (1933-4) History of the Church of Ireland. 3 vols. London: Oxford University Press. Sexton, J.J., and O'Leary, Richard. (1996) 'Factors affecting Population Decline in Minority Religious Communities in the Republic of Ireland', in, Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. (1996) Building Trust in Ireland: Studies Commissioned by the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. Belfast: Blackstaff Press (with the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation). Stanford, W.B. (1944) A Recognised Church: The Church of Ireland in Eire. Dublin: A.P.C.K. Wailer, B.C. (1932) The Popes Claims and Why We Reject Them. Dublin: A. P.C. K. White, Jack. (1975), Minority Report: The Anatomy of the Southern Irish Protestant. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Whyte, J.H. (1970) 'Political Life', in, Hurley, M. (ed) (1970) Irish Anglicanism 1869-1969. Dublin: Allen Figgis. Whyte, J.H. (1980) Church and State in Modern Ireland 1923-1970 (2nd ed.). Dublin: Gill and Macmillan.
Journal Articles Beckett, J.C. (1970) 'Disestablishment in the Nick of Time', Theology, 63 (May 1970). Brown, S.J. (1956) 'Reviews of The Catholic Approach to Protestantism and The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism ', Studies, 14, (Winter 1956). Butler, H. (1954) 'Portrait of a Minority', The Bell, 19, No.7. Cawley, M E. (1990), 'Population Change in the Republic of Ireland 1981-1986'. Area, 22, (1): 67-74. Compton, P A. (1989), 'The Changing Religious Demography of Northern Ireland: Some Political Implications'. Studies, 78, (Winter). Compton, P A. Coward, J. Wilson-Davis, K. (1985), 'Family Size and. Religious Denomination in Northern Ireland. Journal of Biosocial Science, 17. Compton, P A. Power, J. (1991), 'Migration from Northern Ireland: a Survey of New-Year Travellers as a Means of Identifying Emigrants'. Regional Studies, 25, (1): 1-11. Compton, Paul A. (1991), 'Demography: the 1980s in Perspective. Studies, 80, (318): 157-168. Compton, Paul A. (1989), The Changing Religious Demography of Northern Ireland: Some Political Considerations. Studies, 78, (312): 393-402. Compton, Paul. (1981), 'An Evaluation of the Changing Religious Composition of the Population in Northern ireland'. Economic and Social Review, 16, (3 (Apr)): 201-24. Compton, Paul. (1976), 'Religious Affiliation and Demographic Variability in Northern Ireland'. Transactions, 1, (4): 433-52. Institute of British Geographers. Considere-Charon, Marie-Claire. (1995), 'L'Etat Irlandais et la Minorite Protestante de 1922 a 1992' [The Irish State and the Protestant Minority from 1922 to 1992]. Etudes Irlandaises, 20, (1): 179-191. Conway, Cardinal. (1974) Catholic Schools. Dublin: Veritas Publications. Curtis, L.P. (1970) 'The Anglo-Irish Predicament', Twentieth Century Studies, 4, November 1970. Compton, Paul. Power, John. (1986), 'Estimates of the Religious Composition of Northern Ireland Local Government Districts between 1971 and 1981' in 1981 and Change in the Geographical Pattern of Religious Composition. Economic and Social Review, 17, (2 (Spring)): 87-105. Farren, Sean. (1991), 'The Anglo-Irish Agreement and the Protection of Minority Rights in Northern Ireland'. Etudes Irlandaises, 16, (1): 141-60. Finnas, F., and OLeary, R. (2003) Choosing for the Children: The affiliation of the children in minority-majority group intermarriage, European Sociological Review, 19, 5. Grey, W.R. (1966) 'The Vanishing Protestants', Focus, 9, No. 10. Grey-Stacks, C.M. (1966) 'The Mystery of the Empty Chair', Focus, 9, No.3. Kennedy, R.E. (1973) 'Minority Group Status and Fertility: the Irish', American Sociological Review, 38, No. I, (1973). Leslie, S. (1953) 'Conversion in Ireland', The Furrow, 9, No.3 Maguire, M. (1993) A Socio-economic analysis of the Dublin Protestant Working Class 1870-1926, Irish Economic and Social History, XX, Dublin, 35-61 ODonoghue, F. (1965) 'Protestants - As We See You', Focus, 8, No.10. OLeary, R. (1999) Change in the rate and pattern of religious intermarriage in the Republic of Ireland, Economic and Social Review, 30, 2. OLeary, R. (2000) Religious intermarriage in Dublin: the importance of status boundaries between religious groups, Review of Religious Research, 41, 4. OLeary, R. (2001) Modernization and Religious Intermarriage in the Republic Of Ireland, British Journal of Sociology, 52, 4. OLeary, R., and Finnas, F. (2002) Education, social integration and minority-majority group intermarriage, Sociology, 36, 2. Shuttleworth, Ian. (1992), 'Population Change in Northern Ireland, 1981-1991: Preliminary Results of the 1991 Census of Population', Irish Geography, 25, (1): 83-8. Small, A.H. (1922) 'Fellowship Between Catholics and Non-Catholics', Irish Monthly, 50, No.9. Sullivan, M.D. (1932) 'Minorities in the Free State', Quarterly Review, 258 (April 1932). Walsh, Brendan M. (1975), 'Trends in the Religious Composition of the Population in the Republic of Ireland, 1946-71', Economic and Social Review, 6, 4 July: 543-55.
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Other Sources Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ). (1985), Ways of Protecting Minority Rights in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Committee on the Administration of Justice. Fletcher, D. (1936) Home and Marriage: A Warning. Dublin: Church of Ireland Printing Co. Hammond, Gregory. (2006) The Demographic Timebomb - Are Northern Ireland's days in the United Kingdom numbered? / M.A. Research Paper, (March 2006), [PDF; 353KB]. London: King's College London. Jackson, Harold. (1971), The Two Irelands: A Dual Study of Inter-Group Tensions / Minority Rights Group, Report no. 2. London: Minority Rights Group. Kinch, F.H. (1937) Should I join the Church of Rome? Dublin: Church of Ireland Printing Co. Northern Ireland Community Relations Commission (NICRC). (1971) Flight: A Report on Population Movement in Belfast during August, 1971. Belfast: NICRC Research Unit. Prime Minister's Office. (1972) Redrawing the Border and Population Transfer: Appendix to Annex D, outline contingency plan for repartitioning Ireland, (22 July 1972), (Public Records of 1972; PREM 15/1010). London: Public Record Office. Robinson, H.W. (1971) A Study of the Church of Ireland Population of Ardfert. Robinson, H.W. (1973) A Study of the Church of Ireland Population of Ferns Diocese. Shirlow, Peter., Graham, B., McMullan, A., Murtagh, B., Robinson, G., and Southern, N. (2005) Population Change and Social Inclusion Study, Derry/Londonderry, (1 November 2005), [PDF; 1012KB]. Derry/Londonderry: University of Ulster. Walsh, B.M. (1970) Religion and Demographic Behaviour in Ireland. Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute, General Research Series, Report No 55.
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