![]() Parades - Details of Source Material[Key_Events] [KEY_ISSUES] [Conflict_Background] PARADES: [Menu] [Reading] [Summary] [Background] [Chronology_1] [Chronology_2] [Developments_Drumcree] [North_Review] [Articles] [Statistics] [Sources] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change This is a draft version of some of the source material used in the section on parades. The list below contains a selection of the journal and newspaper articles that were published in the immediate aftermath of the 'stand-off' at Drumcree in July 1996. See also: The list of Parades Commission publications
Books Bryan, Dominic. (2000) Orange Parades: The Politics of Ritual, Tradition and Control. Bryan, Fraser and Dunn (1995) Political Rituals: Loyalist Parades in Portadown. Bryson and McCartney. (1994) Clashing Symbols: A Report on the Use of Flags, Anthems and other National Symbols in Northern Ireland. Buckley and Kenney. (1995) Negotiating Identity. Rhetoric, Metaphor and Social Drama in Northern Ireland. Committee on the Administration of Justice. (1996) The Mis-Rule of Law, {external_link} Belfast: Committee on the Administration of Justice. Fraser, T.G. (ed.) (2000). The Irish Parading Tradition: Following the Drum. London: Macmillan. Jarman, Neil. (1997) Material Conflicts: Parades and Visual Displays in Northern Ireland. Jarman, Neil., and Bryan, Dominic. (1998) From Riots to Rights: Nationalist Parades in the North of Ireland. Jarman, Neil., and Bryan, Dominic. (1996) Parade and Protest: A Discussion of Parading Disputes in Northern Ireland. Jarman, Bryan, Caleyron and de Rosa (1998) Politics in Public: Freedom of Assembly and the Right to Protest - A Comparative Analysis. Kaufmann, E. (2006) 'The Orange Order in Ontario, Newfoundland, Scotland and Northern Ireland: A Macro-Social Analysis', in, Wilson, David A. (ed.) The Orange Order in Canada. Dublin: Four Courts. Kaufmann, Eric. (2007). The Orange Order: A Contemporary Northern Irish History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kennaway, Brian. (2006) The Orange Order: A Tradition Betrayed. London: Methuen. Kennedy, B. (ed.) (1990) A Celebration: 1690-1990, The Orange Institution. Kelly, G. (ed.) (1997) Mediation in Practice: A Report of the Art of Mediation Project. Londonderry: Londonderry Rotary Club and INCORE. Patterson, Henry., and Kaufmann, Eric. (forthcoming 2007) The Decline of the Loyal Family: Unionism and Orangeism in Northern Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Journal Articles Aughey, Arthur. (1996) 'Instinct is stronger than sympathy', New Statesman, Vol. 125, No.4293, 19 July, pp.14-15. Bell, Desmond. (1986) 'The Traitor within the Gates - Loyalist annual ritual burning of effigy of Robert Lundy', New Society, 3 January, pp.15-17. Boyd, A. (1995) 'The Orange Order, 1795-1995 - Outlook and influence of a key element in the culture of Protestant Ulster', History Today, Vol.45, No.9, pp.16-23. Boyle, J. (1962/63) 'The Belfast Association and the Independent Orange Order, 1901-10', Irish Historical Studies, Vol.13, pp.117-152. Bryan, Dominic. (1994) 'Interpreting the Twelfth', History Ireland, Vol.2, No.2. Cathcart, Rex. (1988) 'Ireland and King Billy: Usage and Abusage', History Today, Vol.38, (July) pp.40-45. Cochrane, Feargal. (1996) 'Back to the Old Days', Fortnight Magazine, No.353, (September) pp.12-13. Hepburn, A. C.(1971) 'The Ancient Order of Hibernians in Irish Politics, 1905-1914', Cithara, Vol.10, (May) pp.5-18. Lloyd, John. (1996) 'The hatred within will always win'. New Statesman, Vol.125, No.4297, (August) pp.18-19. Routledge, Paul. (1986) 'The Citadel of Orangeism', New Society, 18 July, pp.7-8. n.a. (1996) 'The Legacy of Drumcree', The Economist, Vol.340, No.7975, (20 July) pp.23-24. n.a. (1996) 'The Rule of Law', The Economist, Vol.340, No.7974, (13 July) p.23.
Other Publications Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition (GRRC). (2010). Statement by the Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition about 'the Derry model', (26 January 2010). Portadown: GRRC. Graham, Alastair. (1999) Remarks by Alistair Graham, Chairman of the Parades Commission, at the announcement of the Commission's Determination on the 1999 Drumcree Church Parade, 28 June 1999. Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland. (1998) An Open Letter to the People of Northern Ireland, published in The Irish News, 2 July. Great Britain. Parliament. (2005) The Public Processions (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2005, (Draft Order in Council), (22 February 2005), [PDF; 114KB]. London: The Stationery Office (TSO). Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2004), Exploring the marching issue: Views from Nationalist North Belfast, (Island Pamphlets No.64), (July 2004), [PDF; 61kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications. Hamilton, Michael., Jarman, Neil., and Bryan, Dominic. (2001). Parades, Protests and Policing: A Human Rights Framework, (March 2001), [PDF; 400KB]. Belfast: Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission. House of Commons. Northern Ireland Affairs Committee. (2005) The Parades Commission and Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Act 1998, Volume I, Report, together with formal minutes, (11 January 2005), (HC 172-I), [PDF; 237KB]. London: The Stationery Office Limited. House of Commons. Northern Ireland Affairs Committee. (2005) The Parades Commission and Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Act 1998, Volume II, Oral and written evidence, (11 January 2005), (HC 172-II), [PDF; 1336KB]. London: The Stationery Office Limited. House of Lords. (2008). Opinions of the Lords of Appeal for Judgement in the Cause, In Re Duffy (FC) (Appellant) (Northern Ireland), Number [2008] UKHL 4; Date of Judgement 30 January 2008; [PDF; 144KB]. Parliament website: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200708/ldjudgmt/jd080130/duffy-1.htm Independent Review of Parades and Marches. (1997) Public Attitudes to Parades and Marches in Northern Ireland, / produced by the Research and Evaluation Service (RES) for the Independent Review of Parades and Marches, Belfast: Stationery Office. Northern Ireland Office (1997) Contents of Leaked Momorandum on the Drumcree Church Parade 1997, 20 June 1997. Northern Ireland Office. (1997) Statement by Secretary of State, Dr. Mo Mowlam on the Chief Constable's decision to allow the 1997 Drumcree Church Parade to proceed along the Garvaghy Road, 6 July 1997. Northern Ireland Office (1998) Statement by Secretary of State, Dr. Mo Mowlam in response to the Parades Commission's decision to re-route the 1998 Drumcree Church Parade away from the Garvaghy Road, 29 June 1998. . Northern Ireland Office(1998) Statement by Secretary of State, Dr. Mo Mowlam, appealing for calm in the run up to Drumcree 1998, 30 June 1998. Paisley, Dr. Ian (1998) Statement on the Parades Commission's Decision on Drumcree 1998, 29 June 1998. Parades Commission. (1999) The Parades Commission's Determination in Relation to the Drumcree Church Parade on 4 July 1999, 28 June 1999. Parades Commission. (1998) The Parades Commission's Determination in Relation to the Drumcree Church Parade on 5 July 1998, 29 June 1998. Parades Commission. (1998) The Parades Commission's Determination in Relation to Ballynafeigh District LOL Parade on the Ormeau Road on 13 July 1998, 6 July 1998. Strategic Review of Parading (SRP). (2008). Strategic Review of Parading in Northern Ireland, Interim Consultative Report, (29 April 2008), [PDF; 2216KB]. Belfast: Strategic Review of Parading Body. Strategic Review of Parading (SRP). (2008). Strategic Review of Parading in Northern Ireland, Views of Key Stakeholders, (29 April 2008), [PDF; 1838KB]. Belfast: Strategic Review of Parading Body. Thornton, Peter. (1987) Public Order Law, including the Public Order Act, 1986, London, Financial Training Publications Ltd. Ulster Unionist Assembly Party. (1998) Statement by the Ulster Unionist Party Assembly Members on the Parades Commission's Decision on Drumcree 1998, 1 July 1998. Watson, Denis.J., and Bingham, William.T. (1997) Letter from the Orange Order to the Catholic residents of the Garvaghy Road, Portadown, (4 June 1997). Portadown: Orange Order.
Theses Foy, Michael T. (1976) The Ancient Order of Hibernians: An Irish Political-Religious Pressure Group, 1884-1975, M.A. Thesis, Queen's University Belfast.
National Newspaper Articles Shepherd, Robert. (1990) 'The Longest Battle' [Marches to recall triumph over Catholics at Battle of the Boyne, 1689], Times Supplement, 7 July, pp.10-12. Beattie, Geoffrey. (1990) 'The Night Before the Morning After' [July 12 marches in N.Ireland], The Guardian, 17 July, p.36. Clarke, Liam and Ellis, Walter. (1996) 'Road to Ruin', The Sunday Times, 14 July, p.15. Ford, Richard. (1986) 'Paisley's New Provocation' [Impact of the Orange marches on Hillsborough], The Times, 18 July, p.12. Hearst, David. (1987) 'Mr. Paisley marches into a quandary', The Guardian, 31 August, p.11. Lower Ormeau Concerned Community and Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition. (2008). 'Unhelpful' report will politicise marching, Platform article, Irish News, (29 April 2008), [PDF; 1469KB]. Belfast: Irish News. McKittrick, David. (1996) 'Ulster: Back to Square One', Independent on Sunday, 25 August, p.21. O'Sullivan, Jack and Townsend, Charles. (1995) 'Who won the Battle of Portadown, 1995?', The Independent, 12 July, p.13. Sharrock, David. (1995) 'Twelfth Nightmare', The Guardian, 12 July, p.15. Sharrock, David. (1996) 'Ulster marches back to "War"', The Guardian, 6 April, p.23. Shepherd, Robert. (1990) 'The Longest Battle'. The Times, 17 July, pp.10-12, . McCrystal, C. (1990) 'Orange Heartbeat', The Independent Magazine, 30 June, pp.34-41.
Local Newspaper Articles Bryan, Dominic and Jarman, Neill. (1996) 'Parades, Protest and Parity of Esteem', Belfast Telegraph, 27 June, p.17. n.a. (1995) 'Over the Bridge: Ormeau Parades: Why should marchers pass through potential flashpoints?', Belfast Telegraph, 24 April, p.12. n.a. (1996) 'A Shared Feeling of Isolation: Parades' [Catholics and Protestants give their views], Belfast Telegraph, 26 June, p.19. Kennedy, Dennis. (1996) 'Living with Law and Disorder' [Public Order failed to control the parades - call for Public Inquiry], Belfast Telegraph, 11 July, p.14. Armstrong, Pat. (1996) 'High Cost of Policing that could have been avoided', Belfast Telegraph, 26 April, p.15. Connolly, Paul. (1996) 'Flanagan Supports Parades Arbitrator', Belfast Telegraph, 9 May, p.17, 1996. McTear, Ian. (1996) 'Parades must be Banned' [Lower Ormeau's plea to RUC], Belfast Telegraph, 9 April, p.4. Grattan, Gary. (1996) 'The Hot Season Begins', Belfast Telegraph, 9 April, p.4. Simpson, Mark. (1995) 'RUC under Fire on Parades Tactics', Belfast Telegraph, 23 August, p.8. Gould, Nigel and Connolly, Paul. (1995) 'It's D-Day!' [Drumcree], Belfast Telegraph, 6 July. Graham, William. (1996) 'SDLP Lashes Britain Over Decision to "Surrender", Irish News, 12 July. n.a. (1996) 'Questions Following U-Turn', Irish News, 13 July. n.a. (1996) 'I Accuse: Bruton Blames Britain for Week of Mayhem', Irish News, 13 July, 1996.
Photographs Series of photographs taken by Neil Jarman of parades, bands, and banners Photographs of parades taken by Eamon Melaugh Melaugh, Martin. (2007). Thirty (30) Photographs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry 'Lundy Parade', 1 December 2007. CAIN: http://cain.ulster.ac.uk/images/photos/derry/events/abod011207/index.html. Photographs of Dunloy village, Orange Hall, and Church Photographs of Harryville Catholic Church
Academic Sites: Eric Kaufmann's Orange Order Page ... contains a range of material (photos, maps, papers, presentations, articles, extracts) on the subject of the Orange Order MacRaild, Donald. (1999) The Orange Order, Militant Protestantism and anti-Catholicism: A Bibliographical Essay. Irish Diaspora Studies Web Site. Kathryn Conrad' photographs of murals, graffiti, marches, and protests Orange Sites: The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland The Independent Orange Order - Independent Loyal Orange InstitutionOrangeNet - "the hub of orangeism on the net" Other Sites: The Parades Commission Northern Ireland
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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