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Government Reports, and Acts of Parliament, related to Northern Ireland
Government Reports and Acts
Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh and Fionnuala McKenna
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change
Government Reports, and Acts of Parliament,
related to Northern Ireland
This page contains links to extracts from a number of government reports and acts of parliament on matters related to the Northern Ireland conflict, politics in the region, and other aspects of Northern Ireland society. In the case of government reports the linked documents contain further information about the publication of the report, the table of contents, the introduction, and the conclusions or recommendations.
Anyone wishing to consult the full contents of any of the reports will have to obtain a copy from a library, or order one from TSO (The Stationery Office {external_link}).
The text of legislation relating to Northern Ireland is available at the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) web site {external_link}. This includes Acts and Explanatory Notes of the Northern Ireland Assembly (2000-2002); Northern Ireland Orders in Council (Primary Legislation) (1987-present); Explanatory Memorandum to Northern Ireland Orders in Council (2002-2005); Statutory Rules of Northern Ireland (1991-present) and Draft Statutory Rules of Northern Ireland (2000-2004); and Updated Statutes of Northern Ireland (1921-2004).
Information on Bills (draft laws) that are being debated in Parliament can be found at The United Kingdom Parliament web site {external_link}.
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Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1922) Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922, (7 April 1922). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1926) Emergency Powers Act (Northern Ireland) 1926, (6 May 1926). Belfast: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1949). Ireland Act 1949, (2 June 1949). London: HMSO.
[Original Ireland Act 1949, [PDF; 304KB]; Amended Ireland Act 1949, [PDF; 85KB]
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1954) Flags and Emblems (Display) Act (Northern Ireland), 1954, (6 April 1954). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Government. (1956) Why the Border must be: The Northern Ireland case in brief. Belfast: HMSO
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1968) Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1968, (28 November 1968). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1969) Parliamentary Commissioner Act (Northern Ireland) 1969, (24 June 1969). Belfast: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1969) Text of a Communiqué and Declaration issued after a meeting held at 10 Downing Street on 19 August 1969, (Cmnd. 4154). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1969) Text of a Communiqué issued on 29 August 1969 at the conclusion of the visit of the Secretary of State for the Home Department to Northern Ireland, (Cmnd. 4158). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1969) Disturbances in Northern Ireland [Cameron Report], (Cmd. 532), (September 1969). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1969) A Commentary by the Government of Northern Ireland to Accompany the Cameron Report, (Cmd. 534), (September 1969). Belfast: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1969) Text of a Communiqué issued following discussions between the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Northern Ireland Government in Belfast on 9th and 10th October 1969, (Cmnd. 4178). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1969) Report of The Advisory Committee on Police in Northern Ireland [Hunt Report], (Cmd. 535), (October 1969). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1969) Community Relations Act (Northern Ireland) 1969, (11 November 1969). Belfast: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1969) Commissioner for Complaints Act (Northern Ireland) 1969. (25 November 1969). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1970) The Police Act (Northern Ireland) 1970, (26 March 1970). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1970) Review Body on Local Government in Northern Ireland, [Macrory Report], (Cmd. 546), (29 May 1970). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1970) Criminal Justice (Temporary Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1970, (1 July 1970). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1970) Prevention of Incitement
to Hatred Act (Northern Ireland) 1970, (2 July 1970). Belfast: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1971) The Housing Executive Act (Northern Ireland) 1971, (25 February 1971). Belfast: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1971) Local Government (Boundaries) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971, (23 March 1971). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1971) A Record of Constructive Change, (Cmd. 558), (20 August 1971). Belfast: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1971) Report of the enquiry into allegations against the security forces of physical brutality in Northern Ireland arising out of events on the 9th August, 1971, [Compton Report], (Cmnd. 4823), (November 1971). London: HMSO.
UK Parliamentary Papers permalink:
Great Britain. Parliament. (1972) Report of the Committee of Privy Counsellors appointed to consider authorised procedures for the interrogation of persons suspected of terrorism, [Parker Report], (Cmnd. 4901), (March 1972). London: HMSO.
UK Parliamentary Papers permalink:
Great Britain. Parliament. (1972) Northern Ireland (Temporary Provisions) Act, (30 March 1972). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1972) Violence and Civil Disturbances in Northern Ireland in 1969, [Scarman Report], (Cmd. 566), (April 1972). Belfast: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1972) Report of the Tribunal appointed to inquire into the events on Sunday, 30th January 1972, which led to loss of life in connection with the procession in Londonderry on that day, [Widgery Report], (HC 220), (18 April 1972). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1972) Report of the Commission to consider legal procedures to deal with terrorist activities in Northern Ireland, [Diplock Report], (Cmnd. 5185), (20 December 1972). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office. (1972) The future of Northern Ireland: a paper for discussion, (Green Paper; 1972). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (1973). The Northern Ireland (Border Poll) Order 1973, (Statutory Instruments, 1973, No.97), (24 January 1973), [PDF; 3976KB]. London: HMSO. ... [19716] - [Order]
Northern Ireland Office. (1973) Northern Ireland Constitutional Proposals, [White Paper], (Cmnd. 5259), (20 March 1973). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1973) Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973, (18 July 1973). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office. (1974) The Northern Ireland Constitution, [White Paper], (Cmnd. 5675), (4 July 1974). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1974) Northern Ireland Act 1974, (17 July 1974). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office. (1974) Northern Ireland: Finance and the economy, Discussion paper 1, (September 1974). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office. (1974) Constitutional Convention, Procedure, Discussion paper 2. London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1974) Prevention of Terrorism
(Temporary Provisions) Act 1974, (29 November 1974). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1975) Report of a committee to consider, in the context of civil liberties and human rights, measures to deal with terrorism in Northern Ireland, [Gardiner Report], (Cmnd. 5847), (30 January 1975). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office. (1975) The Government of Northern Ireland: A Society Divided, Discussion paper 3, (5 February 1975). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office. (1975) Northern Ireland Constitutional Convention Report, Together with the Proceedings of the Convention and other Appendices, (20 November 1975). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1976) Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1976, (1 December 1976). London: HMSO.
Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights. (1977) The protection of human rights by law in Northern Ireland, (Cmnd. 7009). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1979) Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Police Interrogation Procedures in Northern Ireland, [Bennett Report], (Cmnd. 7497), (16 March 1979). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office. (1979) The Government of Northern Ireland: A Working Paper for a Conference, (Cmnd. 7763), (20 November 1979). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office. (1979) The Government of Northern Ireland: Proposals for Further Discussion, (Cmnd. 7950), (2 July 1980). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1981). The Public Order (Northern Ireland) Order 1981, (1981 No.609 N.I.17), (Made 13 April 1981; Operation 14 May 1981), [PDF; 686KB]
Northern Ireland Office. (1982) Northern Ireland: A Framework for Devolution, (Cmnd. 8541), (5 April 1982). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1982) Northern Ireland Act 1982, (23 July 1982). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1984) Report of an Inquiry by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons into the security arrangements at HM Prison, Maze relative to the escape on Sunday 25th September 1983, including relevant recommendations for the improvement of security at HM Prison, Maze, (26 January 1984), (H.C.203), [Hennessy Report]. London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1985) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ireland, [The Anglo-Irish Agreement], (Cmnd. 9690), (15 November 1985). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1987). The Public Order (Northern Ireland) Order 1987, (1987 No.463 N.I.7), (Made 18 March 1987; Operation 2 April 1987), [PDF; 199KB]
Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights. (1987) Religious and political discrimination and equality of opportunity in Northern Ireland: report on fair employment, (Cm. 237). London: HMSO.
Northern Ireland Office. (1988) Fair employment in Northern Ireland, (Cm. 380), (May 1988). London: HMSO.
Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights. (1990) Religious and Political Discrimination and Equality of Opportunity in Northern Ireland, Second Report,
(Cm. 1107), (June 1990). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1990) Review of the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Acts 1978 and 1987, [Colville Report], (Cm. 1115). London: HMSO.
British and Irish Governments. (1995) The Framework Documents - A New Framework For Agreement, by the British and Irish governments, (22 February 1995). London: Prime Minister's Office.
British Government. (1995) The Framework Documents - A Framework For Accountable Government In Northern Ireland by the British government, (22 February 1995). London: Prime Minister's Office.
Northern Ireland Office. (1996) Consultation Paper: Ground Rules For Substantive All-Party Negotiations, (15 March 1996). Belfast: Northern Ireland Office.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1996) Northern Ireland (Entry to Negotiations, etc) Act 1996, (Chapter 11), (29 April 1996). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1998) Partnership for Equality: The Government's proposals for future legislation and policies on Employment Equality in Northern Ireland, (Cm 3890), (White Paper), (March 1998), [CCRU web site]. London: The Stationery Office Limited.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1998), Principles for Policing in Northern Ireland: A Discussion Paper, (4 March 1998). Belfast: HMSO.
Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office. The Agreement: Text of the Agreement reached in the Multi-Party Negotiations on Northern Ireland, (10 April 1998), (Cmnd. 3883), [Good Friday Agreement / Belfast Agreement]. Belfast: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1998) Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill, (5 June 1998). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1998) Police (Northern Ireland) Act 1998, (24 July 1998). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1998) Northern Ireland Bill 1998, (15 July 1998). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1998) Northern Ireland Act 1998, (19 November 1998). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1999) A Bill to make provision for the suspension in certain circumstances of devolved government in Northern Ireland, ('safeguard legislation'), (12 July 1999). London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (2000). Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000, (chapter 32), (23 November 2000), [PDF; 305KB]. London: HMSO. ... [23635] - [Act of Parliament]
Great Britain. Parliament. (2002). Electoral Fraud (Northern Ireland) Act 2002, (1 May 2002), [PDF; 398KB]. London: HMSO. ... [30258] - [Act of Parliament]
Great Britain. Parliament. (2003) Northern Ireland (Monitoring Commission etc.) Bill, (15 September 2003), [PDF; 139KB]. London: HMSO.
Great Britain. Parliament. (2005) Northern Ireland (Offences) Bill, (9 November 2005), [PDF, 231KB]. London: The Stationery Office (TSO).
Great Britain. Parliament. (2006) Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, (Bill 131), (16 February 2006), [PDF, 243KB]. London: The Stationery Office (TSO).
Great Britain. Parliament. (2006) Northern Ireland Bill 2006, (Bill 169), (20 April 2006), [PDF, 100KB]. London: The Stationery Office (TSO).
Great Britain. Parliament. (2006). Northern Ireland Act 2006, (Chapter 17), (8 May 2006), [PDF, 65KB]. London: The Stationery Office (TSO).
Great Britain. Parliament. (2006). Victims and Survivors (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, No. 2953 (N.I.17), (14 November 2006), [PDF; 41KB]. London: The Stationery Office.
Great Britain. Parliament. (2006). Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Bill, (Bill 7; 54/2), (16 November 2006), [PDF, 524KB]. London: The Stationery Office (TSO).
Great Britain. Parliament. (2006). Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Act, (Chapter 53), (22 November 2006), [PDF, 206KB]. London: The Stationery Office (TSO).
Northern Ireland Assembly. (2008). Commission for Victims and Survivors Act (Northern Ireland) 2008, (2008 Chapter 6), (23 May 2008), [PDF; 70KB]. Stormont: Northern Ireland Assembly.
Great Britain. Parliament. (2018). European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, (chapter 16), (26 June 2018), [PDF; 789KB]. London: The Stationery Office (TSO). ... [23632] - [Act of Parliament]
Great Britain. Parliament. (2019). Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2019, (Chapter 22), (24 July 2019), [PDF; 428KB]. London: The Stationery Office (TSO). ... [19726] - [Act of Parliament]
Great Britain. Parliament. (2020). Payment Scheme Disabled Persons: The Victims' Payments Regulations 2020, Statutory Instruments, No.103, (31 January 2020), [PDF; 205KB]. London: The Stationery Office Limited. ... [26477] - [Statutory Instrument]
Great Britain. Parliament. (2020). United Kingdom Internal Market Bill, Bill 177, 58/1, (9 September 2020), [PDF; 285KB]. London: The Stationery Office Limited. ... [] - [Parliamentary Bill]
Great Britain. Parliament. (2022). Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill, 10, 58/3, (17 May 2022), [PDF; 447KB]. London: HMSO. ... [28614] - [Bill of Parliament]
Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (2022). Explanatory Notes for the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill, 10-EN, 58/3, (17 May 2022), [PDF; 579KB]. London: NIO. ... [28615] - [Notes]
Great Britain. Parliament. (2022). Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Bill, 142, 58/3, (6 December 2022), [PDF; 1381KB]. London: HMSO. ... [24145] - [Bill of Parliament]
Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (2022). Explanatory Notes for the Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Bill, 142-EN, 58/3, (6 December 2022), [PDF; 399KB]. London: NIO. ... [24146] - [Notes]
Great Britain. Parliament. (2023). Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act 2023, (18 September 2023), [PDF; 1428KB]. London: HMSO. ... [31738] - [Act of Parliament]
House of Commons Factsheet:
Northern Ireland Business and Legislation HC Factsheets - L No 8
(Previously Factsheet 15) Revised July 2000 [PDF 39k]