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'NO GO - A Photographic Record of Free Derry', Plate No. 56

[Key_Events] [Key_Issues] [Conflict_Background]

Photograph: Barney McMonagle ... Page Compiled: Fionnuala McKenna

At the end of the third day of fighting the Stormont government is forced to call in the British army to relieve the hard pressed RUC. 300 soldiers of the Prince of Wales Regiment appeared on the streets of Derry at 5.00pm on 14 August. The army were initially given a cautious welcome by Nationalists, but many were sceptical. 'This is a great defeat for the Unionist Government. We do not yet know whether it is a victory for us... The presence of the troops solves nothing. We must not be fooled into taking down the barricades. We do not go back to square one.' (Barricade Bulletin, produced by the Derry Labour Party, 14 August 1969.)

Plate No. 56

300 soldiers of the Prince of Wales Regiment appeared on the streets of Derry at 5.00pm on 14 August.

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Last modified : 08/15/2024 15:24:26