Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

'Alzheimers 2: Lost Memories of New York', by Irene MacWilliam. (Photo: Irene MacWilliam)

'Alzheimers 2: Lost Memories of New York', by Irene MacWilliam. (Photo: Irene MacWilliam)


Exhibition and associated activities:Women's Real Lives - International Women's Day, 2009
Description: This exhibition was organised to celebrate International Women's Day 2009 and also as the culmination of a series of events and workshops resulting from the 'Quilt Trail' and 'Art of Survival' exhibitions in Derry in March 2008. It took place at four different venues in the city of Derry: the Tower Museum, Eden Place Arts Centre, the Verbal Arts Centre and the Women’s Centre.

The exhibition showcased various creative art pieces by individuals, artists and groups of women from the Derry City Council area and beyond. In the Verbal Arts Centre it coincided and was integrated with the exhibition: Peruvian Arpilleras that tell a story, cry out, challenge and question which started a month earlier (7th February) and finished later (6th April) than the “Women’s Real lives” exhibition.
Commissioned by: Derry City Council, Heritage & Museum Service with local partner
Date(s): 9th March 2009 - 28th March 2009
Venue: Women's Centre, Derry
Beibhinn House, 5 Guildhall Street, Derry, BT48 6BB
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Women's Centre, Derry
Outcome: This exhibition harnassed and sustained the momentum from the 2008 exhibition "The Art of Survival: International and Irish quilts". It further introduced viewers from all walks of life to a wide variety of textiles with a broad spectrum of themes. Having it in four locations encouraged viewers to see different areas of the city, perhaps previously unfamiliar to them.

Documents: • call for proposals, 2009 - view
• Exhibition notice, March 2009 - view
• Exhibition venues/launch, March 2009 - view

Textiles Displayed:Alzheimers 2: Lost Memories of New York