Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

'La Cueca Sola / Dancing Cueca alone', by Gala Torres. The lone figure occupying the border space on the bottom right, made by Deborah Stockdale, was added in January 2022. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'La Cueca Sola / Dancing Cueca alone', by Gala Torres. The lone figure occupying the border space on the bottom right, made by Deborah Stockdale, was added in January 2022. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Roundtable discussion:Colecciones y creador@s creando vínculos: El uso e interés de las colecciones de museos al servicio de los creador@s / Collections and creators in conversation: The use and interest of museum collections in the service of creators
Description: The Naational Museum van Wereldculturen (NMVW) hosts one of the most extensive collections of textiles from Mesoamerica and South America. In this Rountable discussion, the NMVW will host a conversation to explore ways of creating a hybrid, dynamic and active relationship between the museum's textile collection, makers and creative practitioners engaged in textile work. This event is part of a series of initiatives dedicated to the multifaceted research of textile practices, experiences and knowledge in relation to the textile collections found in the NMVW in the Netherlands. It follows on from an initial event in June 2021, comprised of a workshop and conference titled Textile practices as forms of healing, caring and resisting / Practicas Textiles como formas de sanar, cuidar y resistir , organized by the The Research Center for Material Culture (RCMC) in the Netherlands.

Core questions to be explored in this follow up Rountable are:
1) In what ways can the museum and the collections serve makers, be of relevance to them and give back to their work and context?
2) How can reciprocal and long-term relationships be established within these collaborative processes?
3) What is at stake if museum collections become more active and get involved in political experiences?
4) Can/should a museum take a political stand by supporting activists and talking about the injustices?

Building on her participation in the June 2021 conference and workshop, Conflict Textiles curator Roberta Bacic will contribute to this discussion.

This event is by invitation only. Further information available at: Colecciones y creadorxs, creando vínculos. El uso e interés de las colecciones museales al servicio de lxs creadorxs
Commissioned by: Research Center for Material Culture, The Netherlands
Date(s): 23rd May 2022 - 23rd May 2022
Venue: Online
Research Center for Material Culture, Steenstraat 1, 2312 BS Leiden, The Netheerlands
Curator: Daan van Dartel, Magdalena Wiener & Luisa Michelsen
Facilitator: D. van Dartel, M. Wiener, L. Michelsen, A. Benedicty Kokken & S. Miorelli
Outcome: The event was thought provoking, insightful and explored the many challenges and complexities of this overall theme. It built on and deepened existing collaborations.

Documents: • R. Bacic, presentation notes, 23 May 2022 - view
• La cueca sola with doll added, Feb 22 - view

Textiles Displayed:La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone