Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

'Violencia en Ayacucho / Violence in Ayacucho', by FCH Mujeres Creativas workshop and 'L’obligació de l’Estat', collective arpillera by participants in a Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc human rights workshop. (Photo: Roser Corbera)

'Violencia en Ayacucho / Violence in Ayacucho', by FCH Mujeres Creativas workshop and 'L’obligació de l’Estat', collective arpillera by participants in a Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc human rights workshop. (Photo: Roser Corbera)


Exhibition and associated activities:#ChildrensRights / #DerechosdelNiño / #DretsdelsInfants
Description: This exhibition, which incorporates two phases, is a collaboration between Conflict Textiles, Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre (RVACC) and Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc. It builds on previous collaborations with both organisations over the last 10 years.
Through the medium of arpilleras, created in various continents, it charts global progress on the journey to realising children’s rights, particularly relating to family life, play, education, health and protection from violence. The impact of, and response to, violations of children’s rights is uncovered and the question is asked: How can we embrace a culture of children's rights?

Phase 1 of the exhibition, hosted by Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc in Badalona (10th November 2020 – 29th January 2021), was framed around the United Nations World Children's Day, 20th November. The 2020 commemoration marked the 61st anniversary of the UN General Assembly adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, and the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the child in 1989.
This short film #ChildrensRights (1.28 minutes) was compiled by Roser Corbera from photographs taken during the exhibition programme. It illustrates the range of onsite activities implemented, within the context of COVID 19 restrictions.

In phase 2 (15th March - 6th June 2021), the exhibition moved to Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre, where it was hosted online for the duration of the exhibition. This phase coincided with the Spring Equinox on 20th March, heralding the beginning of Spring; a time for children to play outdoors.

Through a partnership with Balnamore Primary School and teacher Catherine Martin, a creative project on Children’s Human Rights was facilitated. The initiative which began on 19th April focused specifically on the right of children to play and culminated in a virtual exhibition of the artwork created by the school children.
In this short film produced by Catherine Martin Do children have the right to play? (3.17 minutes) the children answer a resounding “yes” to this question as they tell us about the dolls they made during the project.

Further information and resources about children's rights for children, schools and parents is available at:
PlayBoard NI
NI Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY)
Commissioned by: Conflict Textiles and Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre
Date(s): 15th March 2021 - 6th June 2021
Venue: Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre, Limavady, Northern Ireland
Curator: Roberta Bacic assisted by Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Esther Alleyne, CCGBC
Outcome: Several outcomes emerged from the exhibition and in particular, the collaborative project with Balnamore Primary School
-Planning and implementing the project promoted inter staff collaboration and was a great opportunity to work together for the same end goal.
-Celebrating children’s work in the wider community led to confidence in children and pride in their work.
-Children across the school had opportunities for play and to develop social skills, which was especially important after repeated lockdowns.
-Through developing contact with PlayBoard NI we have scheduled a staff development day based on play. This will equip staff with a greater understanding of learning through play which will ultimately enhance planning and teaching.
-The end of project event involved Conflict Textiles, RVACC and parents coming together to celebrate the children’s work. This was a great opportunity to involve parents with their children’s learning as well as a chance for children to talk about their work with the wider community.

Documents: • Convention on the Rights of the Child (Eng.) - view
• Textile list: Conflict Textiles, (English) - view
• Lista de textiles: Ateneu Sant Roc-castellano - view
• Llista tèxtil: Ateneu Sant Roc, (català) - view
• Exhibition poster: (English) Mar 2021 - view
• Cartel de la exposición (castellano) - view
• cartell de l’exposició: (català) nov 2020 - view
• Exhibition catalogue, March 2021 - view
• Press release, March 2021 - view
• Textile list: Ateneu Sant Roc (English) - view
• 'Dreamer's space' - Play themed activity pack - view
• Report: Balnamore School creative project - view
• Photo gallery: Closing event, 2nd June 2021 - view