Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

'The Bill of Rights', by Caw/Nelson Drive, Tullyalley Women's Centre & Galliagh Women's group. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'The Bill of Rights', by Caw/Nelson Drive, Tullyalley Women's Centre & Galliagh Women's group. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Exhibition:'The Bill of Rights
Description: This piece was completed for the "Women Building Bridges art exhibition and programme" celebrating International Women's day in Derry/Londonderry, 2010. In this quilt, women demand equality and progress on several issues. Stark messages such as "No to all violence" and "Education no boundaries", complement equally strong symbols. The quilt is now on permanent display in the office of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, having been presented to Monica Mc Williams in 2011, in her role as Chief Commissioner.

This exhibition was part of a continuous series of arpillera and quilt exhibitions hosted by the Verbal Arts Centre in Derry and curated by Roberta Bacic, from 2008 to 2013. Each exhibition, comprised of a piece or pieces created by community groups from different parts of the island, other countries, or individual women, was displayed for a number of weeks before being replaced with a new exhibition.
Commissioned by: Verbal Arts Centre, and curator
Date(s): 8th March 2010 - 27th March 2010
Venue: Verbal Arts Centre, Derry / Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Stable Lane and Mall Wall, Bishop Street Within, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 6PU, Northern Ireland
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Verbal Arts Centre staff
Outcome: Creating this piece resulted in new conversations, ideas and new relationships. Exhibiting this piece in the Verbal Arts Centre placed women's human rights centre stage.

Documents: • Exhibition poster - March 2010 - view

Textiles Displayed:The Bill of Rights