Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'The Millies', by Helen Heron. (Photo: unknown)
'The Millies', by Helen Heron. (Photo: unknown)


Title of Textile:The "Millies"
Maker: Helen Heron
Country of Origin: Northern Ireland
Year Produced: 2010
Size (cm): 38cm x 28cm
Materials: scraps of material hand and machine sewn onto a fabric backing
Type of Textile: Wall hanging

This wall hanging depicts the life of women known as the "Millies" who worked in the linen Mills in Northern Ireland. The conditions were dusty, noisy and humid which of course impacted on women's health in due course

Owner: Helen Heron collection (deceased, December 2019)
Location: Northern Ireland
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Martin Melaugh
Provenance: Helen Heron

Textile exhibited at: 'Arpilleras Aus Chile' -Eine Retrospektive, 6/05/2010 - 28/05/2010

Textile Detail Image(s)