Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Lock for trunk: Italy to Argentina post World War II', used by Eva Herzfeld & Vinko Bacic. (Photo: Lydia Cole)
'Lock for trunk: Italy to Argentina post World War II', used by Eva Herzfeld & Vinko Bacic. (Photo: Lydia Cole)


Title of Textile:Lock for trunk: Italy to Argentina post World War II
Maker: Used by Eva Herzfeld & Vinko Bacic
Country of Origin: Naples refugee camp
Year Produced: N/A
Size (cm):
Materials: Metal
Type of Textile: Memorabilia

This lock was used by Eva Herzfeld & Vinko Bacic to secure their trunk as they embarked on their sea crossing from Naples to Argentina in 1948. They and their fellow passengers were all Red Cross refugees striking out on a new journey in the aftermath of World War II. Eva and Vinko settled in Chile. They received the keyring, which represents the Chilean national flower "Copihue", as a gift in 1952. The lock, key and keyring were kept by a family friend in Chile until August 2018 when they were brought to Northern Ireland.

Owner: Conflict Textiles collection
Location: Conflict Textiles store
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Lydia Cole

Textile Detail Image(s)