Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

"Roberta carrying arpilleras", by Memorarte. (Photo: Roser Corbera)


Title of Textile:Roberta carrying arpilleras
Maker: Memorarte
Country of Origin: Chile / England
Year Produced: 2017
Size (cm): 35cm (w) x 35cm (l)
Materials: Scraps of material hand sewn onto burlap
Type of Textile: Arpillera

This arpillera was seeded by a two day seminar Arpilleras, yesterday and today, organised by the Chilean arpilleristas group Memorarte - Stitches against oblivion at the London School of Economics in 2017.

Created in one of the ‘hands on’ afternoon workshops by members of Memorarte it represents curator Roberta Bacic carrying arpilleras – a task which she has been engaged in since the 1970s. It was presented to her on completion of the workshop, to mark her contribution to the overall event.

Owner: Conflict Textiles collection
Location: Fundación Ateneu Sant Roc, Badalona, Catalonia / Spain
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Roser Corbera

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