Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Anti-Apartheid wall hanging', by Aberystwyth Anti-Apartheid Group. (Photo: Seirian De’Rome)
'Anti-Apartheid wall hanging', by Aberystwyth Anti-Apartheid Group. (Photo: Seirian De’Rome)


Title of Textile:Anti Apartheid
Maker: Aberystwyth Anti-Apartheid Group
Country of Origin: Wales
Year Produced: 1989
Size (cm): 1.56m (w) x 1.04m (l)
Materials: Wall hanging: mainly cottons, some satin and a little wool; Tabs for hanging: patterned brocade
Type of Textile: Wall hanging

This double sided wall hanging was made by the Aberystwyth Anti Apartheid Group at a workshop facilitated by peace activist Thalia Campbell, on the occasion of Nelson Mandela’s 70th birthday in 1988.

On the front of the wall hanging a black and a white girl stand shoulder to shoulder with arms entwined, a simple gesture not permitted in Apartheid South Africa (1950 - 1994). They gaze out on Aberystwyth’s seafront and promenade, against the backdrop of Constitution hill and the cliff railway. On the reverse side, a Welsh dragon is melting the chains of Apartheid with his fiery breath. The wording on the banner, in both Welsh and English, proclaim ‘Freedom’ and ‘Anti-Apartheid’.

Designed for public protest and awareness raising, this wall hanging was used with other textile banners at an event held outside Aberystwyth Town Hall in 1988. At this gathering, a group of local people sang ‘Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika / God Bless Africa’, the black protest song that under the presidency of Mandela was juxtaposed with the old white anthem ‘Die Stem / The Call’, to become the national anthem of South Africa.

Owner: Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum, Wales
Location: Ceredigion Museum, Wales
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Seirian De’Rome
Provenance: Aberystwyth Anti Apartheid Group

Textile exhibited at: Stitched Voices / Lleisiau wedi eu Pwytho, 25/03/2017 - 13/05/2017

Textile Detail Image(s)

  'Anti-Apartheid wall hanging (reverse side)', by Aberystwyth Anti-Apartheid Group. (Photo: Seirian De’Rome)