Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Rathlin Reflections: threads from an Island home',  Collective work by Rathlin Island women. (Photo: David Quiney Mee)
'Rathlin Reflections: threads from an Island home', Collective work by Rathlin Island women. (Photo: David Quiney Mee)


Title of Textile:Rathlin Reflections: threads from an Island home
Maker: Ladies who sew (Rathlin Island)
Country of Origin: Northern Ireland
Year Produced: 2011
Size (cm):
Materials: A mixture of natural and synthetic fabrics
Type of Textile: Installation

Nearly 20 years ago a group of Rathlin Island women gathered to piece together their stories of Island life. These stories were transformed into a beautiful 16 panel quilt which resided in the Island's Boathouse Museum. In 2010, a group of Rathlin women gathered again to continue the story. Supported by Roberta Bacic, they created a number of new textile panels. David Quinney Mee, community development worker for Rathlin, emphasises that these women were inspired by the arpilleras, introduced by Roberta: "...the experiences of the Latin American women who met together to narrate their lives through this brave and creative medium."

The installation, Rathlin Reflections, centred around the women's first Boathouse Quilt, and included the new arpillera as well as artistic creations from Rathlin children and other artistic expressions.

The launch and exhibition in the Verbal Arts Centre in March 2011, the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, was, in David's words: "...a well-received opportunity for islanders to present their home with gentle pride and honour."

Owner: Ladies who sew, Rathlin Island Community collection
Location: Rathlin Island, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: David Quiney Mee
Provenance: Rathlin Island Community

Textile exhibited at: Rathlin Reflections , 8/03/2011 - 14/04/2011
Story Makers 2008-2011, Twenty-five textile stories, 13/03/2012 - 18/06/2012

Textile Detail Image(s)