Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'What does the world need to survive?',  by Quilting Bee, Herzogenaurach, Germany. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)
'What does the world need to survive?', by Quilting Bee, Herzogenaurach, Germany. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Title of Textile:What does the world need to survive?
Maker: Quilting Bee
Country of Origin: Germany
Year Produced: 1995
Size (cm): 1.11m (w) x 1.41m (l)
Materials: A mixture of natural and synthetic fabrics
Type of Textile: Quilt

The women of the "Quilting Bee" Herzogenaurach meet once a month to quilt together and to produce works of art. They look forward to the meetings because it offers them an opportunity to talk, to share ideas and to help each other with suggestions.

Twelve women from different walks of life took part in the making of this quilt. They sat down together to discuss what survival in this world meant to them and following the discussion, each of them took over one theme and shaped it into an individual quilt square.

The first square, the rainbow and clouds, done by Freya Filipp, represents the heavens. The sun, by Marlen Zimmermann, represents warmth. Ilse Auer sewed the moon and stars to represent the universe and its cycle. Evelyne Lindner fashioned the fresh water as a representation of the origin of life. The cheerful children are Helga Rehm's creation, and symbolise hope for a future where all children can be carefree. Waltraut Ruhl's sheep represent animals and peace. The sea patch was created by Doris Wienke, representing how important clean water is to the survival of all earth's inhabitants. Ulrike Bernhoft's patch represents families and how they grow and change. Christa Bogen designed her square to represent trees, which are necessary for life and clean air. Christa Schmitt created her people using many different skin tones, to represent how each one is an important member of humanity. Edelgard Matzke's planes and buses represent technology and how important it is for us to use it appropriately. Last but not least, the houses designed by Hildegund Kohlmann represent security and safety.

Owner: Women in One World / Frauen in der Einen Welt e.V
Location: Herzogenaurach, Germany
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Martin Melaugh

Textile exhibited at: The Art of Survival: International and Irish Quilts, 8/03/2008 - 19/04/2008

Textile Detail Image(s)