Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'La Lumbre Gitana / The Gypsy Life', by Arpilleristas Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc. (Photo: Roser Corbera)
'La Lumbre Gitana / The Gypsy Life', by Arpilleristas Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc. (Photo: Roser Corbera)


Title of Textile:La Lumbre Gitana / The Gypsy Life
Maker: Arpilleristas Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc
Country of Origin: Catalonia
Year Produced: 2009
Size (cm): 67cm x 62cm
Materials: Scraps of material hand sewn onto burlap
Type of Textile: Arpillera

This arpillera depicts fire as the focal point. In so doing it reflects the relevance of fire in the communal life of gypsies living in the area.

Owner: Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc collection
Location: Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc, Catalonia
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Roser Corbera
Provenance: Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc arpillera programme.

Textile exhibited at: 'Arpilleras Aus Chile' -Eine Retrospektive, 6/05/2010 - 28/05/2010

Textile Detail Image(s)