Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Frivolité / Tatting lace centrepiece', Made by Eva Herzfeld. (Photo: Breege Doherty)
'Frivolité / Tatting lace centrepiece', Made by Eva Herzfeld. (Photo: Breege Doherty)


Title of Textile:Frivoleté / Tatting lace centrepiece
Maker: Gertrude Herzfeld
Country of Origin: Enroute from Italy to Argentina
Year Produced: 1948
Size (cm): 22cm diameter
Materials: cotton threads
Type of Textile: Memorabilia

This centrepiece uses the frivoleté / tatting technique. Eva Herzfeld and her mother learned this technique and worked on it during their six week sea crossing from Italy to Argentina in 1948. They made the journey with other Red Cross refugees, all fleeing post War Europe and seeking a better life in Chile.

The curator brought it with her when she moved to London in the late 1990s and later when she moved to Northern Ireland in 2004.

Owner: Conflict Textiles collection
Location: Conflict Textiles store
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Breege Doherty

Textile Detail Image(s)