Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

 'Juguemose en el bosque mientras el aire está /Let us play in the Woods while the air is still here', by Mirta Zak. (Photo: Ana Zlatkes)
'Juguemose en el bosque mientras el aire está /Let us play in the Woods while the air is still here', by Mirta Zak. (Photo: Ana Zlatkes)


Title of Textile:Juguemos en el bosque mientras el aire está /Let us play in the Woods while the air is still here
Maker: Mirta Zak
Country of Origin: Argentina
Year Produced: 2015
Size (cm): 60cm x 70cm
Materials: A variety of fabrics and embroidery threads
Type of Textile: Arpillera

This arpillera, the first in a series of two, focuses on the environment. Specifically, it reminds us of the necessity of safeguarding our forests, which are the lungs of the planet. These ‘lungs’ guarantee the purity of the air we breathe, they regulate the cycle of the waters and protect against soil erosion.

Owner: Mirta Zak
Location: Buenos Aires. Argentina
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Ana Zlatkes

Textile exhibited at: Mujeres que Hilvanan Días / Women that Sew Days Together, 5/03/2015 - 10/04/2015

Textile Detail Image(s)