Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Table napkin' Used by Eva Herzfeld & Vinko Bacic. (Photo: Eva Gonzalez)
'Table napkin' Used by Eva Herzfeld & Vinko Bacic. (Photo: Eva Gonzalez)


Title of Textile:Table napkin
Maker: Used by Eva Herzfeld & Vinko Bacic
Country of Origin: Naples refugee camp
Year Produced: N/A
Size (cm):
Materials: Linen/cotton mix
Type of Textile: Memorabilia

This white, cotton napkin was used as a table cloth by Eva Herzfeld & Vinko Bacic, 1945/1948, during their stay at a refugee camp in Naples and en route on a ship carrying Red Cross refugees from Europe to Argentina and Chile after World War II.

Owner: Conflict Textiles collection
Location: Conflict Textiles store
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Eva Gonzalez

Textile Detail Image(s)