Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Kalashenkoof', Made by UNCR refugees from post Soviet civil war. (Photo: Eva Gonzalez)
'Kalashenkoof', Made by UNCR refugees from post Soviet civil war. (Photo: Eva Gonzalez)


Title of Textile:“Kalashenkoof”.
Maker: UNCR refugees from post Soviet civil war
Country of Origin: Afghanistan
Year Produced: 1995c
Size (cm):
Materials: Natural fibres
Type of Textile: Memorabilia

Afghan rug made by UNCR refugees from post Soviet civil war, near Peshawar, Pakistan, circa 1995. The AK-74 depicted is the third generation in the family of firearms designed by Soviet weapons engineer Mikhail Kalashnikov and is a common motif used by carpet makers. The rifle and its variants have been used by many Soviet and later Russian troops since 1974.

Owner: Colin Peck collection
Location: Northern Ireland
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Eva Gonzalez

Textile exhibited at: Textile Accounts of Conflicts, 17/11/2014 - 18/11/2014
Textile Accounts of Conflicts, 6/02/2015 - 7/03/2015

Textile Detail Image(s)