Saturday, 27 July 2024

Textile Details

'Events of 1992', by Irene MacWilliam. (Photo: Irene MacWilliam)
'Events of 1992', by Irene MacWilliam. (Photo: Irene MacWilliam)


Title of Textile:Events of 1992
Maker: Irene MacWilliam
Country of Origin: Northern Ireland
Year Produced: 1993
Size (cm): 1.35m x 2.10m
Materials: cottons, polycottons, fabric paints, free machine writing
Type of Textile: Quilt

Since 1986, Irene has made an annual Events of the Year quilt, each one consisting of 20 panels profiling significant world events. A natural curiosity in people and the events, both local and global,which shape their lives, combined with a love of textiles, inspires her to create these unique quilts which she now describes as an ongoing project.

As with others in the series, her initial inspiration for this quilt came from newspapers, radio and TV news. Regarding what motivated her to depict this set of world events from 1992, all of which are located outside Northern Ireland, Irene has this to say: “Having been a social worker I am interested in people…their situations ...and the events connected to them. I am aware of our need to care for the environment, hence the many panels relating to this area.” Her inclusion of panels such as “Bee parasite,Varroa, found in South of England (no. 19)” and “Burning of Sikh temples in India (no.4)” illustrates her focus on highlighting events and issues that don’t always make the headlines.

As Irene’s quilts reflect world events, the repeated portrayal of man made disasters; war, civil unrest, and natural disasters are a salutary reminder to us of the need for new directions: “…It’s interesting how certain events such as earthquakes, flooding, wars and civil unrest keep repeating … and are thus featured year after year.”

Owner: Irene MacWilliam collection
Location: Irene MacWilliam, Northern Ireland
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Irene MacWilliam
Provenance: Irene MacWilliam

Textile Detail Image(s)