Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Textile Details

'Encadenamiento / Women Chained to Parliament Gates' Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)
'Encadenamiento / Women Chained to Parliament Gates' Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Title of Textile:Encadenamiento / Women Chained to Parliament Gates
Maker: Anonymous
Country of Origin: Chile
Year Produced: 1988c
Size (cm): 48cm (w) x 38cm (l)
Materials: Scraps of material,hand sewn onto flour sack
Type of Textile: Arpillera

Here, a group of women have chained themselves to the gates in front of the Congress in protest at the actions of the Pinochet regime, particularly the disappearance of their loved ones. With their lives in turmoil, they are denouncing the actions of the dictatorship in the public sphere and immortalizing these actions with needle and thread in their workshops run by Vicaría de la Solidaridad. For this act of civil disobedience, all of the women who took part in the protest were detained for five days.

When asked how they found the strength to keep going, their replies emphasise not just the depth of their suffering but also their resilience: “We’ve been hit by so many blows in life. We might as well be out on the frontlines now because many of us have nothing more to lose.” (Agosín, 2008)

Owner: Conflict Textiles collection
Location: c/o Karen Logan, Senior curator, Ulster Museum, Belfast
Original / Replica: original
Photographer: Martin Melaugh
Provenance: Donation from Kinderhilfe arpillera collection, Chile/Bonn (2009). (HM0724)

Textile exhibited at: Cultural Stories in Textiles, 25/02/2010 - 27/02/2010
ÜberlebensKunst - Konfliktbearbeitung durch textile Bilder, 12/07/2012 - 26/08/2012
Stitching and Unstitching The Troubles-phase 1, 5/09/2012 - 29/09/2012
Stitching and Unstitching The Troubles-phase 2, 13/04/2013 - 29/06/2013
Arpilleras in contested spaces, 3/09/2013 - 6/09/2013
RETAZOS TESTIMONIALES: arpilleras de Chile y otras latitudes, 28/09/2013 - 10/11/2013
SMALL Actions BIG Movements, 1/07/2014 - 11/07/2014
COSIENDO PAZ: Conflicto, Arpilleras, Memoria, 8/10/2015 - 4/04/2016
COSIENDO PAZ: Conflicto, Arpilleras, Memoria , 13/04/2016 - 12/06/2016
Stitched Voices / Lleisiau wedi eu Pwytho, 25/03/2017 - 13/05/2017
Stitching Memoryscape 「記憶風景を縫う」, 30/05/2017 - 12/06/2017
Stitching Memoryscape 「記憶風景を縫う」, 1/07/2017 - 9/07/2017
Stitching Memoryscape 「記憶風景を縫う」, 29/08/2017 - 3/09/2017
Stitched Voices - textila berättelse om politisk våld och motstånd , 29/08/2018 - 21/04/2019
II encuentro internacional de arte textil y resistencia, 22/08/2019 - 24/08/2019
Tras las huellas de los/as desaparecidos/as , 29/08/2019 - 31/08/2019
Following the footsteps of the disappeared, 30/08/2020 - 30/08/2021
Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared 2021, 31/08/2021 - 20/12/2021
Macht mit anstatt Macht über: Widerstand für eine gerechte Welt ist möglich!, 9/09/2021 - 9/09/2021
Tras las huellas de los/as desaparecidos/as, 10/01/2022 - 5/02/2022
Narrativas textiles: Tramas de dolor y empatía en América Latina / Textile Narratives, 5/09/2022 - 8/09/2022
Lenguaje Textil: materialidad, conservación y archivos, 26/10/2022 - 29/10/2022
Threads of Empowerment: Conflict Textiles’ International Journey, 21/06/2024 - 27/04/2025
International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances 2024, 30/08/2024 - 30/08/2024

Textile Detail Image(s)