Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Circle of Sacred Sisters', by Columbus, Ohio chapter of the Women of Color Quilters' Network. (Photo: Colin Peck)
'Circle of Sacred Sisters', by Columbus, Ohio chapter of the Women of Color Quilters' Network. (Photo: Colin Peck)


Title of Textile:Circle of Sacred Sisters
Maker: Columbus, Ohio chapter of the Women of Color Quilters' Network
Country of Origin: USA
Year Produced: 1995
Size (cm): 2.00m X 1.62m
Materials: A mixture of natural and synthetic fabrics
Type of Textile: Quilt

"It is our goal to achieve a better life for our families. Our life is woven into the threads of these quilts and we are the spirit of these textiles."

A group of older women who belong to the Columbus, Ohio chapter of the Women of Colour Quilters' Network produce quilts as group work. They sell the quilts to supplement their government pensions and normally use traditional geometric patchwork patterns. When they were asked to contribute to the exhibition,"The Art of Survival, International and Irish Quilts" they decided to do something different and special, in keeping with the theme.

The quilt is highly symbolic. The woman in the centre - the life giver and mother - stands in the middle of the universe. The circle representing the universe is dark, standing for emptiness and symbolising the need to go on fighting for justice. The larger circle created by the heads of women is the life cycle, their faces symbolising women who work together and are united in spirit. The faces are of different colours to signify the wide spectrum of skin shades of Afro-Americans. The bright yellow background of the quilt is like the sun, standing for energy and the power to survive.

Owner: Women in One World / Frauen in der Einen Welt e.V
Location: Nuremberg, Germany
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Colin Peck

Textile exhibited at: The Art of Survival: International and Irish Quilts, 8/03/2008 - 19/04/2008

Textile Detail Image(s)