Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Limavady Borough Millenium Quilt', by Women's Institutes, Women's groups & community organisations from the Limavady area. (Photo: Pamela Hayes)
'Limavady Borough Millenium Quilt', by Women's Institutes, Women's groups & community organisations from the Limavady area. (Photo: Pamela Hayes)


Title of Textile:Limavady Borough Millennium Quilt
Maker: Women's Institutes, Women's groups & community organisations from the Limavady area
Country of Origin: Northern Ireland
Year Produced: 2009
Size (cm): 1.7m x 1.5m
Materials: Various types of fabric comprise the 37 squares which are hand and machine sewn onto a fabric backing
Type of Textile: Quilt

This vibrant millennium quilt was the fruits of collaboration between Limavady Borough Council, the Community Relations Unit of the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, Women's Institutes, women's groups and community organisations.

Comprised of 37 squares, the quilt depicts aspects and scenes of the Borough of Limavady which have deep and lasting memories for the person who created each square and no doubt for the community at large:

-The occasion when Limavady Borough was chosen as the location for the World Ploughing Championships in 1991 and all countries represented brought a stone which was built into a stone cairn at Kane's farm where the event was hosted.
-The beautiful stone church at Burnfoot where families have worshipped for generations.
-Happy days spent at the seaside on Benone Beach.

This quilt is now on permanent display in the Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre in Limavady.

Owner: Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre
Location: Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre, Limavady, Northern Ireland
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Pamela Hayes
Provenance: Women's Institutes, Women's groups & community organisations from the Limavady area

Textile exhibited at: Limavady Borough Millennium Community Quilt, 9/12/2009 - 7/03/2010

Textile Detail Image(s)