Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Manifestación en la plaza San Martin de Lima / Demonstration at the Plaza San Martin in Lima', Anonymous, Micaela Bastidas Group. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)
'Manifestación en la plaza San Martin de Lima / Demonstration at the Plaza San Martin in Lima', Anonymous, Micaela Bastidas Group. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Title of Textile:Manifestación en la plaza San Martin de Lima / Demonstration at the Plaza San Martin in Lima
Maker: Anonymous, Micaela Bastidas Group
Country of Origin: Peru
Year Produced: 1992
Size (cm): Standard
Materials: Scraps of material hand sewn onto burlap
Type of Textile: Arpillera

The action in this arpillera takes place on the streets. A group of women and men are demonstrating to express their immediate needs. They are marching together and carry two banners. One says: "We demand secure work" and the other reads "Solution to our problems." Instead of being listened to, they are being sprayed with water by a police car so that they disperse. Two policemen are pulling a person by the hair and beating him/her. Another group carries a banner saying: "No to repression." We also see people looking at what is going on from the windows of the neighbouring flats.

Owner: Private collection
Location: Germany
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Martin Melaugh

Textile Detail Image(s)