Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

'Tenemos que vivir bajo llaves / We have to live behind closed doors'. Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'Tenemos que vivir bajo llaves / We have to live behind closed doors'. Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Exhibition and associated activities:Arpilleras de la resistencia política Chilena / Arpilleras of Chilean political resistance
Description: The Office of Human Rights and Security of Recife Council invited the exhibition, that had been previously displayed at the Memorial of Political Resistance in Sao Paulo, to be exhibited in their Cultural centre and so be available to the general public. As part of the exhibition programme, workshops were scheduled in deprived rural communities targeted at women being trained as artisans in the hope that it would improve their skills and thus their income generation opportunities.
Web links: Centro Cultural Correios - Recife
Commissioned by: Secretaria de Direitos Humanos e Segurança Cidadã da Prefeitura de Recife, Brazil
Date(s): 3rd November 2011 - 13th November 2011
Venue: Centro Cultural Correios Recife
Av. Marquês de Olinda, 262 Bairro do Recife, 50031-970 - Recife, Brazil.
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Amparo Arujo & Clara Kardonsky
Outcome: The objectives were achieved and as a result a collective arpillera was produced that is now exhibited at the Council premises.

Documents: • Exhibition flier, Brazil, Nov 2011 - view
• Exhibition invitation, Brazil, Nov 2011 - view
• Arpillera made in workshop, Recife, Nov 2011 - view