Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Participants at the workshop: 'Planning the Rathlin Island exhibition'. (Photo: Deborah Stockdale)

Participants at the workshop: 'Planning the Rathlin Island exhibition'. (Photo: Deborah Stockdale)


Workshop:Planning the Rathlin Island exhibition
Description: This workshop, led by Roberta Bacic & Deborah Stockdale focused on planing the Spring exhibition for the Verbal Arts Centre in Derry, based around the Boathouse quilt. Attendees were invited to bring along photographs, drawings, paintings, tales, memories, ideas, etc.

A collection of textiles, created in 2010 by a group of Rathlin women, continues the stories of the island women from 20 years ago captured in the original "Boathouse Quilt."
Commissioned by: Rathlin Development and Community Association
Date(s): 7th January 2011 - 7th January 2011
Venue: Rathlin Island, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Richard Branson Centre, Rathlin Island, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Roberta Bacic and Deborah Stockdale
Outcome: This workshop was a vital part of the planning for a subsequent exhibition: 'Rathlin Reflections: threads from an Island home', which was exhibited at the Verbal Arts Centre later in 2011.

Documents: • Workshop notice, Rathlin , January 2011 - view

Textiles Displayed: