Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

'Tenemos que vivir bajo llaves / We have to live behind closed doors'. Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'Tenemos que vivir bajo llaves / We have to live behind closed doors'. Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Exhibition and associated activities:Arpilleras / Quilts that cry out, challenge and question / Arpilleras que claman desafían e interpelan
Description: This exhibition was curated by Roberta Bacic for the Club de Madrid's First Global Forum on Leadership for Shared Societies: building a world safe for difference.
Here we are given an insight into the challenges as expressed by the unmediated voices of ordinary people and stitched together by women from different countries using the media of arpilleras/quilts.
Web links: Club de Madrid
Commissioned by: Club de Madrid First Global forum on Leadership for Shared Societies
Date(s): 12th November 2008 - 14th November 2008
Venue: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Club de Madrid
Outcome: Overall, the exhibition introduced attendees to a broad range of human rights abuses, historical and current, through the medium of textile, particularly arpilleras.

Documents: • Exhibition catalogue, Nov 2008 - view
• Exhibition notice, Nov 2008 - view

Textiles Displayed:Peace Quilt - Common Loss
A Quilt for the World
Pathways of Life
Encadenamiento / Women chained to Parliament gates
Encuentro communal; Pedimos solución / Community meeting; We want solutions
Queremos Democracia / We want democracy
Vaso de Leche: Ayer - Hoy - Siempre / A glass of milk: Yesterday - Today - Always
Verdad y Justicia para los Desaparecidos / Truth and Justice for the Disappeared
Debo ser humilde y sumisa? / Should I be submissive and subservient?
¿Quién carga con la deuda externa? / Who Carries the External Debt?
La Gente Necesita Trabajar / People Need Work
Los precios están por las nubes / Prices are sky high
Armonía entre la vida y el medio ambiente/Harmony between Life and Environment
No tenemos acceso a los servicios públicos / We have no access to public services
Trabajo compartido / Shared housework
Unamos las manos; Queremos la paz / Let's interlace our Hands; We want peace!
¡Adiós Pinochet! / Good bye Pinochet!
La Cueca Sola / Dancing Cueca Alone
Tenemos que vivir bajo llaves / We have to live behind closed doors
Sala de torturas / Torture chamber
Manifestación en la plaza San Martin de Lima / Demonstration at the Plaza San Martin