Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

'La gente necesita trabajar/ People need work', Anonymous. (Photo: Colin Peck)

'La gente necesita trabajar/ People need work', Anonymous. (Photo: Colin Peck)


Exhibition and film screening:The Politics of Chilean Arpilleras II
Description: The film "Threads of Hope" which accompanies the exhibition "The Politics of Chilean Arpilleras II" is the powerful story of a group of Chilean women who tell their stories of life, pain, resistance, grief and empowerment using the medium of arpilleras (pronounced "ar-pee-air-ahs"). It includes interviews and demonstrations, and shows women at work making their arpilleras. Ultimately it is a story of women helping women to confront and deal with the social and political issues that affect them. This film is based on the work of Marjorie Agosin an academic and collector of arpilleras who contributed a number of her pieces to the exhibition "The politics of Chilean arpilleras".

The film and exhibition start the week leading up to International Women's Day on 8 March. The arpilleras on display are a sampler of a new exhibition in progress to be launched later in the year which will be at Irish School of Ecumenics throughout March.
Commissioned by: Irish School of Ecumenics
Date(s): 2nd March 2009 - 31st March 2009
Venue: Irish School of Ecumenics, Belfast
683 Antrim Road, Belfast
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Irish School of Ecumenics
Outcome: Both the film and exhibition were well attended. Those present displayed great interest in the themes explored and became more familiar with arpilleras, a medium previously unfamiliar to them.

Documents: • Exhibition notice, March 2009 - view
• info on Arpilleras, March 2009 - view