Thursday, 10 October 2024

Event Details

Attendees listening intently to curator Roberta Bacic at the exhibition opening event. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

Attendees listening intently to curator Roberta Bacic at the exhibition opening event. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Exhibition and associated activities:Arpilleras that Cry Out
Description: This exhibition included an official opening and reception; film shows, gallery talks by Bill Rolston and Roberta Bacic, cardmaking and arpillera workshops, children's workshops and guided tours.
Commissioned by: Coleraine Borough Council and Flowerfield Arts Centre
Date(s): 22nd June 2009 - 10th July 2009
Venue: Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart, Northern Ireland
185 Coleraine Road, Portstewart, Northern Ireland. BT55 7HU
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Flowerfield Arts Centre
Outcome: The entire exhibition programme gave viewers an opportunity to come face to face with the power of textiles, and other creative media, in giving voice to repression, violence and denial of human rights. It also provided a forum for discussing such issues.

Documents: • Exhibition/programme of events notice, June09 - view

Textiles Displayed:Homenaje a los caídos / Homage to the fallen ones
A Piece of Me, a Piece of Us
Encadenamiento / Women chained to Parliament gates
Peace Quilt - Common Loss
Vida en Nuestra Población / Life in Our Poor Neighbourhood
Cultures from the Heart
A Special Place in Our Hearts
Reflections on violence
Lost children of war
No going back
Nuestra Vida en Chile / Our Life in Chile
Vareando las Aceitunas / Knocking down the Olives
En las ramblas de las flores / In the market of the flowers
Una Mirada a mi Tierra Desde el Barco / A Look to my Homeland from the Boat
Life as We Know It
Overdue, Overdrawn, Over-extended: Rural Poverty in Ireland
Cruce de Caminos / Crossing Pathways
Paz - Justicia - Libertad / Peace - Justice - Freedom
Corte de agua / Water cut
Encuentro communal; Pedimos solución / Community meeting; We want solutions
Lucía, Lucía, la olla está vacía / Lucia, Lucia, The pots are empty
¿Dónde están los desaparecidos? / Where are the "disappeared"?
Retorno de los exiliados / Return of the exiles
Baile Puneño / Puno Folk Dance
Como hacer una arpillera / How to make an arpillera
Recuerdos de Guadalupe / Guadalupe's Longings
Marcha de las mujeres de los mineros