Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Event Details

Display of hands-on closing event (Photo: Patsy Horton)

Display of hands-on closing event (Photo: Patsy Horton)


Exhibition and associated activities:Stitching for Solidarity
Description: This exhibition and associated activities mark 10 years of collaborative partnership between the Linen Hall Library and Conflict Textiles.

It features a collection of 12 Chilean arpilleras from 1976, 77 and 78 acquired in Chile by a German member of the Chile Solidarity Committee of Berlin (West). These arpilleras have never before been on public display. Conflict Textiles supported by a contribution from The Honorable The Irish Society have had them specially mounted on Irish linen.

Here you can access and see 12 of the arpillera pieces on display.

There will be materials on display throughout the library that come directly from the Linen Hall collection. The donor of the valuable arpilleras, who wants to remain anonymous, also included memorabilia consisting of printed postcards, calendar and newspaper publications from the time. These will be on display in the Linen Hall Library showcases.

Events and activities:
  • Exhibition launch will be on the 18th of July, 12 - 1pm and will include a guided tour by curator Roberta Bacic. Tickets are free and available from the 15th of May.
  • There will be a hands on workshop facilitated by textile artist Deborah Stockdale on Thursday 25th July, 11-1pm, and will also include a guided tour.
  • A hands-on activity will be held at the end of the exhibition on 19th September, 11-1pm. It will be facilitated by curator Roberta Bacic and Professor Gillian Robinson. It includes a guided tour.
This exhibition is a satellite of the Conflict Textiles retrospective exhibition Threads of Empowerment: Conflict Textiles' International Journey at the Ulster Museum, Belfast (June 2024 - March 2025). For more information please visit our Summary page.
Commissioned by: Linen Hall Library & Conflict Textiles
Date(s): 1st July 2024 - 27th September 2024
Venue: Linen Hall Library
17 Donegall Square N, Belfast BT1 5GB
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Patsy Horton, Arts & Cultural Programmer
Outcome: This exhibition was very well attended by regular Linen Hall Library subscribers, readers and researchers. It brought in lecturers and students from Ulster University Belfast School of Arts and local sewing groups.
All associated activities were fully booked and received recommendations from participants. The 10 year long collaboration between Linen Hall Library and Conflict Textiles has consolidated even more and has opened new areas of connections and follow up projects.

Documents: • Introduction to Conflict Textiles - view
• Leaflet: Threads of Empowerment & Satellites - view
• Entrance poster, Stitching for Solidarity - view
• Doc: Stitching for Solidarity explanation - view
• Stitching for Solidarity Launch Invitation - view
• Powerpoint of 12 Arpilleras on Display - view
• Vintage embroidery workshop by D. Stockdale - view

Textiles Displayed:Comedor infantil / Children’s Soup Kitchen
Comedor infantil en el barrio / Children’s Soup Kitchen in the Barrio
Derecho a vivir con dignidad / The Right to Live with Dignity
Condiciones de vida indigna / Poor Living Conditions
Caja de crédito popular / Credit Union in the Barrio
Caja de crédito popular 2 / Credit Union in the Barrio 2
Problemas de locomoción / Problems with Public Transport
Inundaciones y pérdida de vidas / Flooding and Loss of Lives
Problemas de desempleo / Unemployment Problems
Paseo en la plaza / An Outing in the Barrio
Generales se lavan las manos / Generals Washing Their Hands
Prisioneros de Cuatro Álamos / Prisoners of Cuatro Álamos Torture Centre
Bienvenida a los prisioneros / Welcoming the Prisoners
Delincuencia debido a pobreza / Stealing as a Consequence of Poverty
Mujeres protestan frente a reunión de la ONU / Women Protest in Front of a UN Meeting
Organización de los Estados Americanos es un chiste / Organization of USA is a Joke
Northern Ireland Reconciliation Quilt