Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Launch 20 May 24, photo at the Glasgow Latin American Research Network, University of Glasgow

Launch 20 May 24, photo at the Glasgow Latin American Research Network, University of Glasgow


Exhibition and associated activities:Stitching Memory: Commemorating 50 years of solidarity in Scotland
Description: This exhibition, comprised of ten arpilleras themed on human rights, exile and refugee, is commissioned by the University of Glasgow, School of Modern Languages and Cultures and School of Psychology and Neuroscience. It commemorates the 50th anniversary of the September 1973 Coup d'etat in Chile that overthrew the democratically elected government led by President Salvador Allende, replacing it with the repressive Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990). The exhibition programme will focus specifically on the impact of and role played by UK solidarity networks. For Conflict Textiles it is the fifth and last in a series of global events marking the 50th anniversary of the military coup; an event for each decade:
-Never Forget September 11, 1973 Japan (September 2023)
-Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía adquiere 5 arpilleras de Conflict Textiles Spain (October 2023)
-Conflict Textiles / Ulster University, Belfast - The search for the disappeared Northern Ireland (Nov. 2023)
-Arpilleras Poéticas Santiago de Chile (December 2023)

The project which seeded this exhibition aims to explore and share knowledge in relation to cultural and historical memory, migration, community engagement and refugee heritage in Scotland. It offers a unique multidisciplinary and translational approach. It builds on the extensive work of Conflict Textiles, Soledad's work on community engagement with the Latin American diaspora in the UK, and Gabriela's research on studying the brain mechanisms by which our memory and knowledge, shape our individual perception.

Conflict Textiles curator Roberta Bacic will launch the exhibition on the 20th May from 2-4pm at the School of Psychology and Neuroscience. This will include a presentation about the history of arpilleras and the work of Conflict Textiles. There will also be a wine reception at 5pm at the ARC. For more information please see the University of Glasgow's School of Social and Political Sciences page.

Jimena Pardo will facilitate a closing arpillera workshop on the 31st May at 5pm.
Commissioned by: University of Glasgow, School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Date(s): 20th May 2024 - 31st May 2024
Venue: Advanced Research Centre (ARC), University of Glasgow
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Gabriela Cruz & Soledad Montañez
Outcome: This project aimed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Coup d'etats in Chile and Uruguay by exploring the impact and role the UK played. The project offered a multidisciplinary and translational approach to share knowledge related to cultural and historical memory, migration, community engagement, and refugee heritage in Scotland.
Through a series of events the project aimed to explore the positive effects that solidarity networks have had on welcoming migrants and people seeking asylum in Scotland since the 1970s. The workshop and exhibition provided a deeper understanding of collective and cultural memory, refugee histories and heritage in Scotland. Participants engaged with the historical narratives of the Latin American diaspora and reflected on the broader implications of migration, displacement and exile. The exhibition attracted a large number of visitors, who were deeply moved by the creativity and stories embedded in the textile pieces.
The event facilitated connections between local residents, members of the Latin American community, activists, academics and students. These connections are expected to lead to future collaborations and community projects.

Documents: • Poster Glasgow - view
• Opening 20 May, Workshop 31st May - view
• Introduction to Conflict Textiles - view
• Stitching Memory Photo Gallery 20/05/24 - view
• Workshop Photo Gallery 31/05/24 - view