Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Event Details

Poster announcing exhibition:

Poster announcing exhibition: "Arpilleras habitades de memòriais", Barcelona, 2010


Exhibition and associated activities:Arpilleras habitades de memòria
Description: The purpose of this exhibition is to bring arpilleras to the suburbs of Barcelona. The exhibition venue is a community space frequented by local women, many of which are refugees fleeing from countries in conflict.

"Arpilleras Habitades de Memòriais" a follow up to the exhibition "L'art de la supervivència: les veus de la resistència de les dones xilenes" commissioned by the Centre for Equality of Women and Men, Barcelona, Spain, took place from 4th November 2008 to 30th January 2009. Fundacio Ateneu Sant Roc participated in this exhibition and contributed with several arpilleras.
Commissioned by: City Council of Barcelona/Ajuntament de Barcelona, Centre d'Informació per les Dones
Date(s): 14th January 2010 - 26th February 2010
Venue: Centre d'Informació i Recursos per a les Dones, Barcelona
C. Camèlies, 36*38 C Camèlies, Gràcia, Barcelona, Teléfono: 00 34 932850357
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Centre d'Informació i Recursos per a les Dones, Barcelona
Outcome: Overall the exhibition succeeded in its aim of bringing arpilleras to a wider audience within the outskirts of Barcelona. It stimulated much discussion and debate and seeded new relationships and collaborations.

Documents: • Exhibition notice, Jan 2010 - view

Textiles Displayed:Vida en Nuestra Población / Life in Our Poor Neighbourhood
Lucía, Lucía, la olla está vacía / Lucia, Lucia, The pots are empty
Olla común en una población / Soup Kitchen in a barrio
No tenemos acceso a los servicios públicos / We have no access to public services
Como hacer una arpillera / How to make an arpillera
No nos matarán la esperanza / They won't kill our hope
No a las alzas - No a la dictadura - Basta de hambre
El NO ya ganó / The "No" has won
Nuestra carnicería / Our Butcher's
Los precios están por las nubes / Prices are sky high
¿Quién carga con la deuda externa? / Who Carries the External Debt?
¿Dónde están los desaparecidos? / Where are the "disappeared"?
Retorno de los exiliados / Return of the exiles