Saturday, 27 July 2024

Event Details

Amparo Restrepo (centre) explains the significance of the banner creation process to Professor Terri Scott, Ulster University (UU) and Professor Brandon Hamber, Hume O’Neill Chair, INCORE, UU. (Photo: Breege Doherty)

Amparo Restrepo (centre) explains the significance of the banner creation process to Professor Terri Scott, Ulster University (UU) and Professor Brandon Hamber, Hume O’Neill Chair, INCORE, UU. (Photo: Breege Doherty)


Permanent rotating exhibition:Conflict Textiles collection: Magee Campus Library, Ulster University
Description: This installation featured a collective textile Con-textualizando la memoria / Contextualising memory outcome banner comprised of 26 dolls. These were created by Colombian exiles in a series of three online workshops in September 2021 facilitated by Conflict Textiles curator Roberta Bacic and Conflict Textiles Fabric Artist Deborah Stockdale.

This banner was unveiled at Conflict Textiles collection: Magee Campus Library, Ulster University
on International Human Rights Day, 10th December coinciding with the Northern Ireland Human Rights Festival 2021 (3rd - 10th December). It was part of the overall event Con-textualising Memory / Con-textualizando la memoria which included an online seminar and "Hands on" workshop.
A short film (6.29m) Con-textualising Memory / Con-textualizando la memoria documents the core elements of the overall event.

Web links:
Ulster University Library Services

Details of the inaugural and subsequent exhibitions are available at Conflict Textiles collection: Magee Campus Library, Ulster University 25th August 2020 - 3rd December 2020
Commissioned by: Ulster University, Magee Campus
Date(s): 10th December 2021 - 28th January 2022
Venue: Magee Campus Library, Ulster University
Northland Road, Derry /Londonderry, BT48 7JL
Curator: Roberta Bacic assisted by Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Magee Campus Library Services
Outcome: Combining the unveiling of the collective textile with workshops and an online seminar signified the weaving together of the ‘hands on’ element, lived experiences and academic discourse. It also affirmed the power of textile language in conveying what the survivors of the conflict in Colombia could not describe in words. Attendees (both online and in person) represented a broad spectrum of people who were involved in different capacities within this overall initiative which had its genesis in the three workshops “Con-textualizando la memoria / Contextualising memory” (September 2021). Their participation in this culmination event illustrates the connection between the textile language of ‘hands on’ workshops and academic discourse and how one feeds the other. The key elements of the event are documented in a short film.

Documents: • Exhibition poster, Dec 2021 - view
• Textile list & display image, Dec. 2021 - view
• Photo gallery of installation, Dec. 2021 - view